在那能找到仓木麻衣的--今晚,我感觉离你很近这歌 http://www.kkkgw.com/uploadfile/200641278211161.mp3歌词:仓木麻衣今晚,我感觉离你很近Close my eyes and feel your mindTime has passedI walk like a shadowNever knewWhat I am going throughYou touch my heart and take my breath awayWhisper on the wind so softlyLet the bright stars fill out dreams with loveReach for your hand(you re holding my key)and you show me the wayTonight,I feel close to youYou open my door and light the sky aboveWhen I need a friend,you are there right by my sideI wish we could stay as oneI wish we could stay forever as oneAll the tears that haunt my pastYou promisedIt ll be better tomorrowplay that songYou and I listened toAnd let it gently ease our painTender rain drops from the blue skyFlowers blooming,life is so divinelike sunlight on a stream(you re holding my key)Tonight,I feel close to youYou open my door and light the sky aboveWhen I need a friend,you are there right by my sideI wish we could stay as oneSo much love in 。今晚,我感觉离你很近 孙燕姿/仓木麻衣```歌曲链接``空间的 自己花个2.7Q币,从QQ音乐买个正版歌曲就好了,速度快又稳定,多好,使用期限90天。到期可再续期。现在无论是参加TX活动 得Q币,还是手机话费充Q币都蛮方便的。求音乐:今晚我感觉离你很近歌曲链接 是孙燕姿和仓木麻衣的那首么?一首老歌了。如果是的话。歌曲链接在这里。这是我挑了一个大小适中,音质也很不错的首。http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?word=mp3,[tonight+i+feel+close+to+you]&cat=0&gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,tonight%2C+i+feel+close+to+you+si=tonight%2C+i+feel+close+to+you;B2%D6%C4%BE%C2%E9%D2%C2%2C%CB%EF%D1%E0%D7%CB;0;0&lm=-1&mtid=3&d=6&size=3879731&attr=0,0&titlekey=451299624,1439662353&mtype=2全部歌曲链接:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&rf=idx&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=TONIGHT+I+FEEL+CLOSE+TO+YOU+&lm=-1
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