

以“我是如何改掉坏习惯的”为题写一篇英语作文 To get rid of a bad habit,it is important that we first get to know how harmful the habit really is.Take the habit of smoking as an example.Obviously,smoking is harmful to one's health.It can result in lung cancer and heart attack.Besides,smoking is awasteof money.A heavy smoker spends almost as much money a day as he pays for his own meals.So if he can realize the danger and waste,it is likely that he may stop smoking at once.To get rid of a bad habit,it is essential that we also have a strong will.Let's again take the habit of smoking for example.Many smokers pick up the habit again soon after they give it up.A lot of them cannot tell how many times they have attempted to give up smoking and how many times they have failed to do so.Therefore,it is impossible to get rid of any bad habit if we change our minds constantly.三年级作文。要求:跟据同学一种不良习惯编一个童话故事,帮他改掉这个坏习惯 可以去网上查查的啦、亲!采纳哦!在同学的帮助下,使我终于改掉了这个坏习惯.(俢改病句) “使”用错了,这样就没主语了.改为:在同学的帮助下,我终于改掉了这个坏习惯.写童话帮同学改变坏习惯的作文 挑食的小狗汪汪(童话)放学后,小狗汪汪回到家,只见桌上摆着自己最爱吃的骨头.小狗汪汪见了,连忙把骨头啃个精光,旁边的蔬菜连碰都没碰.妈妈叫他吃,他就是不吃.就这样,汪汪每天都吃肉食,以前健壮的身体一下变得很胖很胖.一天上午,学校进行体育考试,鹿老师叫大家先跑一圈.这下小狗汪汪可出洋相了,他跑几下,停几下,那样子活像一只笨拙的大狗熊.好不容易跑到终点,鹿老师又叫大家跳远,汪汪连跳三次都不及格.下面是跳绳,汪汪差点被绳子绊一跤.玩单杠的时候,他一跳,要不是底下有垫子,他肯定摔个头破血流.体检时,大家体重都很轻,轮到小狗汪汪的时候,他往秤上一站,只听“吱”的一声,指针一下子弹出好远.山羊医生对汪汪说:“你以前体重很轻,怎么现在这么重?汪汪红着脸,一五一十地讲了自己挑食的习惯.山羊医生听了,说:“挑食可不好,他能使你便秘,消化不良,成为小胖墩.”汪汪听了,从此再也不挑食了.挑食的小朋友,听了这个故事,你有什么想法?三年级作文。要求:跟据同学一种不良习惯编一个童话故事,帮他改掉这个坏习惯 可以写有一个某某小动物,它有个不良习惯,别人说也不听,后来得到了报应。请专业人士帮我修改一下这篇英语作文。 初中你这个水平就不错了,但是hobby这个词不要滥用,我给你来个大学水平的.As a staunch advocate of healthier living,I find many students in my class developed bad eating habits which I'd like to address by providing some useful advices.Many students often skip their breakfast and believe it is fine to compensate by having lunch which is actually not the case.Eating three meal with appropriate amount and on time is crucial for healthy living.Also a lot of my peers like eating snacks and fast food owing to their good taste which,as most adults are aware of,is complete wrong.According to World Health Organization,a balanced diet should include at least moderate serves of fruit and vegetables.Last but not least,many students rarely participate any sports or physical activities based on the excuse that they can concentrate on their study.But the truth is exercise regularly,which means at least three or four times a week,can improve one's efficiency of learning enormously.Just like the 通过同学的帮助,使我逐步养成了好的习惯.修改病句 改为:通过同学的帮助,我逐步养成了好的习惯.原句缺主语.要求:跟据同学一种不良习惯编一个童话故事,帮他改掉这个坏习惯 挑食的小狗汪汪(童话)放学后,小狗汪汪回到家,只见桌上摆着自己最爱吃的骨头.小狗汪汪见了,连忙把骨头啃个精光,旁边的蔬菜连碰都没碰.妈妈叫他吃,他就是不吃.就这样,汪汪每天都吃肉食,以前健壮的身体一下变得很胖很.在同学们的帮助下,使我终于改掉了这个坏习惯.(修改病句) 去掉 使如何改变学生的不良习惯 随着九义教育的普及,越来越多带有不良习惯的学生走进了初中,纠正他们的不良习惯成了我们老师的家常便饭,诸如:纠正吸烟、贪小便宜、说谎、懒惰、贪玩、说是非、说脏话等不良习惯。如何纠正学生身上的不良习惯呢?我想应该从如下几点去做:第一、教师首先要起到表率作用。纠正学生的不良习惯正面讲道理是必要的,但要求学生不要做的教师必须坚决不做才行。若我们自己的行为欠检点,教育学生就缺乏“底气”,要想让学生服气,我们必须以身作则、言传身教,有道是“正人要先正己”,“其身正不令而从之”。为此,我们要时刻为学生树立高大的形象,对学生起表率作用,给学生以耳濡目染,潜移默化之作用。不能让学生说“你看,老师都那样”。第二、要学会赏识自己的学生。陶行知曾写过:“你这糊涂的先生!你说瓦特庸,你说牛顿笨,你说像个鸡蛋坏了的爱迪生,若信你的话,哪来的火轮?哪来的电灯?哪来的微积分?因此我们不能当那样的糊涂先生,要学会赏识自己的学生。对做错事或成绩不好的学生,我们要多帮助和安慰,不要一味地批评,因为他们本身就自卑、自责。学生每取得一点进步都要及时进行表扬、鼓励,要根据学生的身心需要和心理状态,因人的性格而异去赏识

