《我的心情日记》用英文翻译是怎么写? My Mood diary“心情日记”翻译成英语是? 心情日记Mood diary鄙人自荐的心情日记 小女子我年方二七,初中学历,个子不高,淘气任性,才不出众,貌不惊人,普通至极。虽性别为女,却以“君子”自居,天不怕,地不怕,毫不知娇弱为何意。。英语作文心情日记 My Mood DiaryIt seems that Hainan Island has not automn.After a hot summer,I thought it will become comfortable,but it turn cold so quickly.The freeze wind make myhand moves clumsy t.谁能帮我翻译下面的心情日记? The woman 25,the picture was a watershed,the skin and the sale priceit is said can suffer a disastrous decline.How manages?Has too many people,to the certain age on the point of view change,for have married marries.Because,cannots bear in the relativeelder's speech to have the speech;Because,the side friend unmarriedare and few;Because,the alumnus records schoolmate's childcompared to lovable;Because is together the too long time,now bidsgood-bye all to pay has all efforts wasted;Because 情人节 suddenlydiscovered oneself lonely is hard to take,thereupon,was bewilderedmarries.But I did not think,the woman forever all should oneself work asvaluable,regardless of family background in any case,regardless ofage what kind of,regardless of the appearance beautiful clown,allcannot casually compromise,the casual concessions,casually gives into any person.My life longed for is collected by the person,properly places,careful preservation.Exempts me startled,exempts me 。
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