我的家乡荆州英文演讲稿怎么写 先写问候,然后是介绍家乡的特点 注意详略得当 然后是邀请大家来家乡做客travel in my hometown英语作文.大概80字吧。稍微口语化点 JingZhou is full of mystery and surprises.Most people have never heard of such a city,and that’s not surprising,because if you were to find it on a map,it’s in the middle of nowhere.It’s a quiet town much different from the noisy urbanities.The ancient walls and palaces,surrounded by deep green,offer a good escape from the busy live-styles of the metropolis.It is also easy to get around;the city offers extensive public transit and very few cars on the street,much less than in other cities.Tourists can find themselves truly immersed in the pristine atmosphere unique to JingZhou.纯原创,望采纳.英语翻译 Hello,everyone.Today is my duty report for you.Today I introduce my hometown Jingzhou.The point on the graph is the Jingzhou position in the whole country,today I is divided into five sections to.
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