英语翻译 I'm going to learn another foreign language.He is going to take acting lessons.We are going to have music lessons.He is going to go to a cooking school.They are going to practice very day.How are.他打算参加跳高和跳远比赛。 用英语怎么说 He intends to jump and long jump仁爱英语问题 Which sport/event will you take part inWe are sure that our class will win the game.英语翻译 there is going to have a basketball game tonight.next weekend we we are not going to play basketball.,we are going to have piano classes.is he going to have a swim on Saturday?英语翻译 1.We have the responsibility of not polluting our own environment.2.Will you attend the sports meeting next week?3.He doesn't care about his family at all.英语翻译 1.What_is your father going to do He's going to see(watch)a Beijing opera.2.Shall we meet at two o'clock in front of the bookshop?3.小明明天要参加运动会.Xiaoming is going to take part in the sports m.英语翻译 1:this weekend he will attend a meeting.2:we should take an active part in school activities.3:this young boy want to join the sports club?4:we are going to play basketball,would you like to j.求一篇英语作文。内容是:我爷爷八十岁了,我们打算给他办个生日会。邀请你参加,不用带礼物 Dear Mike,Hello.This is Jack.My grandfather will have his eightieth birthday this weekend.Our famliy is planning to host a birthday party for him.We would like you to join us.Mike,will you be free英语翻译 I am not good at that project.Tom decided to take a part in jump.We are preparing for the sports meeting.I can participate in race.They will give us the prize today.英语“参加”区别 1、take part in表示主动2113参加某个活动或者事5261情,而且比较积极地参加。2、join in一般指娱4102乐活动或者赛事,而1653且参加的时候活动已经开始了。3、participate in意思与take part in一样,但比较正式和书面语,参与者参与积极,较主观。4、attend,表参加、出席,只是说出席了,并没有体现参加者的参加的态度。5、join 指加入某组织、党派并成为其中一员,比如加入中国共产党就可以用join表达。例句:①They all dressed up to take part in the New Year's party.他们都穿上盛装,去参加除夕晚会。②We'll take part in a regatta next month.下个月我们将参加一场划船比赛。③De Gaulle vetoed Britain's application to join the EEC.戴高乐驳回了英国加入欧洲经济共同体的申请。④The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend.养老院的护士长说她愿意参加。⑤Several experts will participate as technical advisers.几位专家将作为技术顾问参加。⑥We're going to play football.Do you want to join in?我们去踢足球,你来不来?扩展资料相关短语:1、join up 联合起来;连接;参军2、join forces with 联合;会师3、join。
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