英语翻译 我不得不出门了英文翻译


英语翻译 1.What rules do you have in your house?2.I can't go out on school nights.3.Me neither.I can't hang out with friends on school nights.4.I can't watch TV after school.5.Me neither.I have to go to bed by half pass ten.英语翻译 So sorry that you didn't make it.Many people died from drought.This museum was built to memorise that famous artist.She wants to go to the party without makeup.The hall is so full that hundreds of fans had to be locked outside.天气如此冷,以至于我不能出门用英语怎样说 It is so cold that prevents me from going out.天气如此冷,以至于我不能出门英语翻译 A:Do you like take a trip on holiday?B:Not really.A:Why?B:I think it's trouble to adapt environment and take lots of things while traveling.What's it's unsafe while you take transportation on your journey.A:Well,you can only take something nessesary and have a easy trip.The different environment would provide you beautiful views and different style of lives not mention friends.As far as the safe issue,I suggest you to aviod peak tourist time and join a travel group.B:Okay,I would try to participate some tour activity.Count me in you gonna take a trip next time.英语翻译 77.大鹏总有一天会和风飞起,凭借风力直上九天云外79.仰天大笑,仰天大笑,出门登程去,满腹诗书经纶,我等岂能埋没民间,岂能甘做庸人80.天生我材必定会有有用的时候,千金散尽后还可以赚来.81.总会有个时候能乘长风破万里浪,高挂着风帆渡过茫茫大海,到达彼岸82.我乘着酒兴下笔挥写,巍巍五岳也得一摇三抖,我作成诗歌纵声高吟,仙境蓬莱在我脚下俯首.83.我岂能卑躬屈膝,去侍奉权贵,使我心中郁郁寡欢,极不舒坦。84.博学精深,才思敏捷,写作如有神助85.一定要登上泰山最高峰,俯首一览,众山匍匐在山脚下是那么渺小.87.我恨不得让新松长到千尺高,而对于恶竹,则必须全部加以芟除.88.曾不知尔曹身名俱灭,而四子之文不废,如江河万古长流89.今天晚上人们都在仰望皎洁明亮的月亮,却不知道秋天的思念之情落在了谁家?90.谁能说像小草的那点孝心,可报答春晖般的慈母恩惠?91.一般说来各种事物处在不平静的时候就会发出声音92.蚂蚁想摇动大树,比喻自不量力93.学业的精进来自于勤奋,却因为游荡玩乐而荒废;品德的成就来自于思考,却因循随俗而败坏.94.万里晴空,一只仙鹤凌云飞起,就引发我的诗兴到了蓝天上了.95.沉船的旁边正有千帆驶过,病树的前头却是万木争春.97.山不在于高低,有了神仙就。


