他的家人打算明年春天去澳大利亚,用英文怎么说? 马克打算明年去澳大利亚英文翻译


他的家人打算明年春天去澳大利亚,用英文怎么说? His family decide/have decided to visit/go to Austrilia next spring.怎么用英语表示“他们打算明年去北京” 很多朋友已经给出了答案,都翻得很不错,我也来学翻,我个人认为此句的难点在于翻好“打算”这二字,我用“want”:They want to go to Beijing next year.or They are making a plan of going to Beijing next yea.你好,我今年高二,打算明年去澳大利亚,我英语底子比较差,请问考雅思需要准备多长时间? 楼上的都是打广告的。我是过来人了,雅思托福GRE都考了。(1)报考技巧:英语底子比较差的话,建议你一次多报几次考试,雅思和托福很少有中国学生考一次就成功的,大部分都是两次以上。很多有经验的学生都会一次报2次~5次名。为什么呢?因为考位很紧张的,等到你明年5月考了,想再考就很难报上了,当然你也可以到时候找代报名的帮忙排队。就花很多冤枉钱。你一次报了。考到满意为止,剩下的钱联系ETS退回原卡。(2)上培训课:不管怎么做广告,大部分考雅思托福的学生,都会去上新东方。大概70%吧。我也去上过,感觉还挺好的,你没有考试经验的话建议去听一下,熟悉一下考试内容和方式也不错。就算没收获也是心理安慰,毕竟大家都上了。(3)自学:半年的时间绝对够了,英语不好的话起码也上到高中了,不会差到哪里去。关键是你下不下得了狠心学。我当初准备雅思单词书就背了好多本。背完以后阅读很轻松。听力多听,听力需要一段大脑适应时间,所以早点开始。作文要多写,最好以高标准要求自己,到时候再写雅思就觉得很简单了。学习方面有问题还可以找我。请问我0基础 现在准备学雅思 明年考 去澳洲 能行么?我英语就是小学水平 但是我打算疯狂学雅思 学 只要你用心学,一年时间完全够你去考个比较好的成绩了,加油吧!打算明年去游乐园用英语怎么翻译 打算明年去游乐园 Going to visit the amusement park next year. 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 英文 问问 更多? 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号英语作文..假定你是李华,打算今年寒假与父母一起去澳大利亚的悉尼度假.请根据以下要点用英语给.假 Dear David,it's been a long time since last letter.how are you?i write to you to tell you that i plan to go to Autralia for my coming winter vacation with my parents and i would like you to come to see me at the airport.i will set off on juanary the 20th from Baiyun Airport in the afternoon.it will take me about one day to get there.first,i will book a hotel to live in.second,i would like to do some sightseeings in the city.last,i would like you to be a guide and take me around some places of interest in the city.Please write to me soon.best wishesyours,Li Hua英语翻译 Xiao Ming,how are you?Long time no see.I plan to study at Canada,either Montreat or Vancouver next year.I know that you have been there for a year already,so I would like to know how you feel there.Please do share with me.What's the living condition there?I know there must be a big difference between China and Canada,but is it still adaptable?What about the studies there?Do you feel comfortable studying there?I would very much appreciate your input on your experiences so far.Thank you.英语翻译 He is going to go to Australia for a vacation.他的家人打算明年春天去澳大利亚,用英文怎么说?

