求一篇 自我评价的短文!80个字左右…! 去什么培训班找男人



求一篇 自我评价的短文!80个字左右…! 去什么培训班找男人

求一篇120字左右的英语作文. In modern times,and parents devote their energy to their career due to fierce competition,thus caring less about their children.Many of them tend to reward their children with money for the progress they have made in their studies.However,I don't think this is a practical and proper way.Firstly,if the children are always rewarded with money once getting high marks,their attention will focus on money instead of the pleasure of studying.More seriously,study,in their eyes,will become a trade rather than his own business,which will attract harms but an advantage.Secondly,too much money will spoil the children,for they are too young to make good use of it.I think a hug and a kiss will work better than money.

求一篇 自我评价的短文!80个字左右…! 去什么培训班找男人

阅读罗强的《爱在 1.叛逆(暴躁)—驯服—心疼,不安—感动流泪—感激 2.我的成功:用3年时间绣出了《清明上河图》,将儿子培养成人成才。他的成.

求一篇 自我评价的短文!80个字左右…! 去什么培训班找男人

小月在班里人缘很好。因为她学习好,体育好,爱帮助人。班里不分男生女生,谁有困难都找她帮忙。男生外出骑车郊游也不少了叫上她。对此理解错误的是 A

