麻烦帮我把中文翻译成英语,要放在PPT里面 橡皮泥捏的娃娃脸


孩子要参加美文朗诵比赛,需要一篇适合的美文,时间要在3分钟以内, 童年文/吴珹童年,在小河边送走远航的芦叶船.童年,在草地上放飞纸糊的花蝴蝶.童年,爱和布娃娃说悄悄话.童年,用橡皮泥捏出千姿百态的想像.童年,在蒲公英的小屋里寻找展开翅膀的童话.童年,在万花筒里旋转着五彩缤纷的梦.童年,在蚁窝和鸟巢里,在电动汽车和电子计算机里,以至在因特网上,探索着各种各样的秘密.童年,有人之初最可贵的本性,有追根究底的好奇,有无拘无束的创造.童年,天真而又诚实,不受世俗的蒙蔽.童年,最贫穷也最富有.那时候,真可谓是最无知的智者,最无忌的哲人.雨中的树林作者/金波雨中的树林是个童话世界走进去你就会变成一个小精灵每棵树都会送给你很多喜悦你还会发现很多新奇的事情晶莹的雨珠滚动在叶面上蜘蛛吐丝给你串一串项链落花铺成的地毯又软又香还有青蛙击鼓跳舞为你表演鸟儿在雨中也愿一展歌喉听歌的松鼠摇着毛茸茸的尾巴细雨淋过的浆困酸甜可口刺猬扎满了一身运回了家连那些小雨点儿都会变魔术落在地上立刻就变成了蘑菇信作者/金波我学会了写信,用笔和纸,用手和心.我多么想写啊,写许多许多的信…替雏鸟给妈妈写,让妈妈快回巢,天已近黄昏.替花朵给蜜蜂写,请快来采蜜,花已姹紫嫣红.替大海给小船写,快去航海吧,。

麻烦帮我把中文翻译成英语,要放在PPT里面 橡皮泥捏的娃娃脸

麻烦帮我把中文翻译成英语,要放在PPT里面 差不多就行,就是语序上没大注意其他的还可以Corpse BrideCorpse bride\"by Tim Burton,Johnny Depp,starring a puppet animation film.This time 76MIN,the film was released in 2005,and eventually won the Seventy-eighth Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film nominationSummary.The corpse bride\"is a typical Gothic film,shadows and blue is the film's main colors,but also the film one of aspect,this is Tim Burton's style in the form of a kind of embodiment.18 years ago,\"the Nightmare Before Christmas\"Tim Burton from the writer 's identity to show us his animation wizards.Color:The film the whole picture to cool colors for the foundation.Throughout the movie,most of the scene background color to blue and the use of lights and shadows and depth to increase,it highlights a cold and mysterious atmosphere which is the Gothic style essential.The story is divided into the human world and the spirit world.The human world colour is drab,dimly lit.The faces are processed into a gray looks like soulless 。

麻烦帮我把中文翻译成英语,要放在PPT里面 橡皮泥捏的娃娃脸

