中日两国互相借鉴 阅读下列材料:



中日两国互相借鉴 阅读下列材料:


中日两国互相借鉴 阅读下列材料:

英语翻译 China and Japan are separated from Pacific.Thoughout one thousand years,culture interaction between people from two countries starts far back and runs a long long course and never stops.In the process of learning and integration each other,both two countries located in culture cirlce of East Asia whiletime they shared same cultural dissemination tools-Chinese characters.China is the motherland of the Chinese charaters thereafter CC was accepted and spread step by step in Japan,as a rssult Japaness came into being.For Westernization in Japan was eailier than China,many pharses were translated into Chinese by Japaness scholars,after that those pharse were introduced to China by cultrual interaction between two countries.Because of both of them were formed in Chinese character,Chinese in Japaness style and real Chinese were experienced a long course,graduatual accepted and became novel phrases.Those phrases are very important to the form of the contemporary Chinese.

中日两国互相借鉴 阅读下列材料:


