请翻译成英文 有点瞌睡了翻译


我最近 有点咳嗽 英语翻译 1 I was sleeping,woke suddenly great noise on the street 2 I was sleeping,the phone woke you.3 I was woken by ringtones/ringtones 4 I did not buy a train ticket。

请翻译成英文 有点瞌睡了翻译


请翻译成英文 有点瞌睡了翻译

请翻译成英文 I have a bad cough because of catching cold.I couldn't go to sleep last night.Today I 've taken some medicines.i don't know if i will be better.Sorry for my 。

请翻译成英文 有点瞌睡了翻译

英语翻译 1.His illness is getting better/worse.2.My cough is almost gone/getting worse.3.This medicine is good for me/has no effect on me whatsoever.4.That meeting has been delayed for Three hours.5.Don't drink and drive./His driver's license was suspended for DUI.(Driving Under Influence)6.We will meet at 6pm tomorrow afternoon and go on our trip to Suzhou,whoever is late willbe left behind.7.The car is started,please seat tight or stand still.8.Whoever is getting off the bus,please move to the back door in advance.9.Please get on the bus at the front door,and get off at the back door.


我现在有点困了 我要睡觉了 用英语怎么说 英语是:I'm a little sleepy now.I'm going to bed.little是一个英语单2113词,可以用作名词、形容5261词、副词等词性,可以翻4102译为小的、琐碎的,等1653等。[英]['l?tl][美][?l?tl]adj.小的;琐碎的;娇小的;幼小的;adv.不多,略微;少许,一点;短时间地;n.(表示否定)微少;没有多少;短时间;det.(数量上)微少的,少到几乎没有的;(a little)少量的,一些;最高级:least比较级:lesslittle与alittle的区别:与few和afew的用法相近,little强调很少。[例句]This is the end of a tour so I'm a little antsy,I guess.旅途就此结束了,这让我有点坐立不安,我想是吧。扩展资料:little的用法:little用作形容词时表示“小的,幼小的,矮小的”,指由于因年龄小而身形娇小,含有感情色彩,意思是“小的可爱”“小的可怜”等意思。little的比较级与最高级常用smaller,smallest,而较少用littler,littlest。little用作代词时有否定意味,接近于nothing。the little,a little或little of在句中用作定语时,谓语动词用单数形式。little可与the连用,用如名词。little用作副词和感官的动词连用并放在动词前,表示“毫不”“一点也不”。当little用作副词置于句首时,句子。


我这两天有点咳嗽. 翻译 These days I am a little cough.

我最近 有点咳嗽 英语翻译 1.I was sleeping,suddenly was awakened by the loud noise on the street2.I was asleep,was awakened by the sound of a call from you.3.I was mobile phone ringtone/to be awakened by the alarm sounds4.I did not buy a train ticket,had to buy a plane ticket.5.Her make up,beautiful than before.6.I have a cough/cough very fierce recently.


