我快乐帮同学修自行车 350字 初中同学我对物理学的感受 要求400字


帮写篇初二英文日记 the 11th of June Wednesday SunnyLast Saturday,I went to Huayang Moutain with my classmates.We went there by bike.We sang all the way.We were all very happy.The view of this moutain is beautiful.The fl.

我们共成长(小学六年级同学间的快乐)350字左右,(六年级作文),记叙文 帮帮忙,谢谢啦 (我 在初三这个阶段,几乎所有的同学都认为课业负担重,生活枯燥沉闷,没有快乐可言。我却不这样认为,因为我的生活里有许多快乐。在数学课上我是最具活力的学生。我喜欢数学,我擅长数学,用数学老师的话说,我是她的“大弟子”。这个光荣称号足以让我高兴不已,必竟这个称号是对我实力的肯定。课上老师讲卷子,同我们对问题答案。越是到后面的大题,能做上的同学就越少。我最快乐的时候就是当台下只有我和老师对话的时候,所有的人都用羡慕的眼光看着我,当然也会有妒忌的目光,但我仍然很快乐,满脸笑容。原本就小的眼睛,更是微乎其微。我感到一种自豪,一种前所未有的成就感,我是强者!整个教室充满我爽朗的笑声。一节数学课足以让我精神饱满,心里充斥的满是快乐,像是张满风帆的船,将要乘长风,破万里浪。一天中最快乐的时光,不只是在数学课上,还有“秉烛长谈”的夜晚。这一天中发生的趣事都是我们谈论的话题。寝室里时而一阵“微弱”的笑声。有时候被老师发现,屋里先是一片静寂,然后又恢复过来。真正的感受到什么是无法无天,那种放肆的感觉如此的美妙。我们时常谈天说地,一个个倍儿像科学家,有板有眼。听着每一个同学的精彩演绎,我真希望时光能慢些。

修自行车的师傅 作文 记得有一次,在强烈的太阳下,我骑着自行车满头大汗,突然,在路途中自行车的脚踏坏了,急忙望一下周围有没有修自行车的店铺,正当我失望的时候,远远看到一家修自行车的店铺,这时我心里充满了兴奋。当我推着自行车.

英语翻译 Dear teachers and the classmate Everybody is good。My topic today is:happy farewell Alma mater.The sixth grade students,primary school life is short for six years in the past,these years,we harvest joy and knowledge.Six years of time,a.twenty,but a lot of memories will become our life the most will treasure collection:the WeiRui trees,the broad playground,picturesque passageways,the bright classroom.Too many memories worth our memories.Six years of friendship,let us learn each other believe and depend on.Six years of life,we all had the lowlands,but our mutual support and encouragement,friends warm smile,class warm atmosphere,let we all walked by.Look back six years study life,sometimes thick,sometimes indifference.Everything,for us it's the collection of the wealth of his life.Yesterday,we immersed in a tough joy,reap its endless experience and smiling.Today,our body full of boiling blood,suppresses the absence of depression when;And tomorrow,we'll toward his new dream,to create their 。

帮助我的同学的350字作文 1同学帮助我 今天中午在学校吃好午饭后,我刚想到楼下去玩时,突然想起今天我和戚宇桓还要还餐具呢?我连忙跑回教室找戚宇桓,可是发现他不在,哦,原来他今天没来上课,。


