谁能帮我把一段中文翻译成英文,要求人工译,好人好报谢谢啊。 how do you see the position you are applying forusually,each position has its own unique requirements on responsibility,rights,interest,division of labor,cooperation,skills,techniques,etc.And these things vary between different jobs.every position has its particularity for the employees,nowadays with the growing specialization,and people are not bullish on those people who are\"capable of everything\",so don't not say:i can do this as well as that job.One should understand that there are great differences on the radium,levels,dimensions.some people are very utilitarian,and make promises hastily before learning about the specific requirements of the position,thinking that they can handle everything.this is not wise,and can easily incuraversion.the requirements of this position,those are the things that the interviewers want to hear,and are the only things they want to hear,you should obey this rule.
怎样减少犯罪率 英语作文 it is known to all that crime rate is on the rise.the means of committing a crime is numerous and varied.murder and robbery,not to speak of theft,are often seen.what causes crime rate to rise?i think the reasons are as follows:first,there exists the unfaisness in distribution.more work does not result in pay.the tycoons are not hard-working people but profiteers.some government officials abuse power and make public money their own.second,the influence of violence and horror films on young people has a negative effect.the films and songs about love and revenge and friendship teach young people to give kiadness for kindness,hatred for hatred and tit for tat.third,people tend to lose faith and belief.the traditional revolutionaly education has somewhat been abandoned.people talk less about patriotism but about making money.the money-oriented people are cold and indifferent to each other.there are many social and economical reasons that cause crime rate to rise.the 。
如何管理好一个工厂? 公司大概运行差不多7个月,每个月营业额大概100W左右,刚开始只是接几个产品的生产,现在客户每月出样都…
它可以从根本上控制少年犯罪率并使其降低 英文翻译 It can fundamentally control and reduce the rate of juvenile crime.我自己翻译的,希望对你有用。
求英文高手帮忙翻译一下 谢谢 心理学家认为,电脑游戏对人的行为影响非常深远。研究表明暴力游戏会导致临时性的心跳加快,侵略性加强。这些研究结果让很多人相信游戏中的暴力类比于现实中的犯罪率。虽然从一个心理学家的观点来看游戏暴力短暂的提高暴力的比率,但是经济学家在15到30岁的人们与暴力电影的关系。他们检测到电脑游戏玩家长时间呆在室内,对犯罪率的的控制甚至起着正面的影响。实际中,数据表明犯罪率已经有所下降,而这正是由于许多潜意识中的罪犯花费大量的时间打游戏。
暴力街区一共有几部,分别叫什么 一共有21133部。1、暴力街区 Banlieue 13(2004):法国巴5261黎黑势力横行,以大毒枭4102塔哈(Bibi Naceri 饰)为首的黑帮更是横1653行无忌,连当地警方都惧怕三分。软弱的警方无法对抗势力强悍的黑帮,只能用围墙和工事将不法分子所在的区域隔离。在这个被称为“13区”的地方,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动。年轻的小混混雷托(David Belle 饰)拒绝塔哈的毒品生意,双方发生激烈冲突。雷托原本将塔哈扭送警察局,结果遭到腐败警察的算计。塔哈不仅逍遥法外,雷托的妹妹罗拉(Dany Verissimo 饰)也被大毒枭带走。2、暴力街区13:终极 Banlieue 13-Ultimatum(2009)凌乱不堪的13区在上一部《暴力街区》时间设定的两年后再次陷入了大宗阴谋事件,达米安上尉(西里尔?拉法埃利 Cyril Raffaelli 饰)与雷伊托(大卫?贝利 David Belle 饰)这次的对手是不择手段的房地产商—13区将因他的房地产计划而毁灭。在利益集团实施一系列精心筹备的栽赃行动后,13区的暴力一面被推向媒体的风口浪尖,13区一时间成为国民心中残暴的象征;达米安又身陷囹圄,极度不利的局势下,雷伊托成为13区最后的希望。3、暴力街区 Brick Mansions(2014 翻拍暴力街区 Banlieue 13)美国底特律不断。
英语翻译psychologists believe that video games have a very strong affect on behavior,their studies show that media violence can cause a temporary increase in both heart rate and aggression.these study res