如何评价赤峰这个城市? 我的家乡是赤峰市用英语怎么说


求一篇关于内蒙古赤峰市的介绍文章,要英文的。篇幅适中即可,谢谢啦! Chifeng City,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the southeast of Hebei Liaoning Provinces Mongolia Interchange,east,southeast and Tongliao City and Chaoyang City,Liaoning Province,adjacent to the southwest border with Hebei Chengde,north west and is connected with the Xilin Gol League.\"Chifeng\"because of the northeast corner of town there is a rich red mountain is named.Chifeng area is east Hu Warring States period.Forty three years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong(1778)home in Chifeng County,Guangxu three years(1906)promoted Zhili.Heat the North in 1946 the agency changed Zhaowuda Union.1956,part of the original Qi Xian Hot provincial jurisdiction and is zoned Ruzhaowuda League of Inner Mongolia.Revocation Zhaowuda League 1983,the establishment of Chifeng City,the implementation of City Managing County.The total area of 90,275 square kilometers,375 kilometers wide and most things,up to 457.5 km north and south.Jurisdiction Hongshan Qu,Songshan District,Yuanbaoshan 。

如何评价赤峰这个城市? 我的家乡是赤峰市用英语怎么说

关于我的家乡的英语作文 不知道您的家乡在哪,也不知道哪里有什么特点,下面写两篇文章:1)适用于北方:My home town is a beautiful place.It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was.

如何评价赤峰这个城市? 我的家乡是赤峰市用英语怎么说

英语作文 i love my hometown . 我爱内蒙古大草原 我的家乡在内蒙古赤峰,距北京最近的大草原,这里山清水秀,牛肥马壮,牛羊成群.这一望无际的大草原是我的家乡独特的风景之一,当你站在那绿油油的草地上向远方望去,你会感到心旷神怡,那一眼望不到边的.

如何评价赤峰这个城市? 我的家乡是赤峰市用英语怎么说


求一篇描写我的家乡赤峰的作文,简单一点的,要英文的,并附带中文翻译,单词数在160左右即可. 不行啊,请问还有没有了?简单点的就好,拜谢~

如何评价赤峰这个城市? 我是一个土生土长的赤峰人,目前在某南方发达省份读大学,我来发表一下对家乡的看法吧(不吹不黑)。首…


