这是我们餐馆的菜单的英语 餐馆里的菜单翻译成英文


巴黎餐馆的菜单上有中文吗?或者英文? http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6bd2aaa80100mftc.html 只能靠自己了=如果你觉得TA的回答不错,快来给TA点个赞吧!你的支持是对作者莫大的鼓励~显示全部 。如果你有一家餐馆,写出那的菜单英语作文 因为不知道楼主是几年级的,所以不敢写长,也不敢用太难的单词.If I had a resturant,there would be plenty of food on the menu.There would be pizza and pasta for the italians,kim-chee and ramen for the koreans.There would be sushi and seafood for the japanese and plenty of Chinese food such as noodles and fried rice for the local Chinese.All in all,there would be food for all around the world for pople from all around the world,and i hope it would be successful.美国餐馆英语基本对话,服务生用语。 不要说what would you like?除非你跟他很熟悉,很多美国人认为这很随便,你可以说how can I help you?或 What can I get for you?are you ready to order?简单一点,are you ready?如果对方还没好,就说take.

