根据以下内容写一封邀请信,请你的朋友Tony来参加你的生日聚会(英语的) 你打算在聚会上唱歌吗英语


根据以下内容写一封邀请信,请你的朋友Tony来参加你的生日聚会(英语的) Dear Tony,It's a great pleasure to have you come to my birthday party.The party will be held at 5 o'clock on Saturday afternoon in my house.Mary,Jim and Linda will show up then.We can sing,dance and e.

根据以下内容写一封邀请信,请你的朋友Tony来参加你的生日聚会(英语的) 你打算在聚会上唱歌吗英语

英语作文,要求是邀请自己的朋友参加一次聚会. Dear friend,Thank you for your asking.I would love to,but I am really a little bit busy that day.I have to do somethingimportant.I am very sorry that I can not go to the there.I'm really sorry about that,I would like very much to join you another time.I present to you the most sincere best wishesHappy birthday to you。I hope you have a good time.Yours,Mary

根据以下内容写一封邀请信,请你的朋友Tony来参加你的生日聚会(英语的) 你打算在聚会上唱歌吗英语

用英语 以唱歌的方式结束 怎么说 The way to the end of singing

根据以下内容写一封邀请信,请你的朋友Tony来参加你的生日聚会(英语的) 你打算在聚会上唱歌吗英语

假设你是汤姆,上周六上午,你和杰克应邀参加了你的朋友玛丽的生日聚会.你们在聚会上唱歌、跳舞,玩得很高兴,并且还结识了几位新朋友. Dear Mary Thank you for invinting me to your birthday party.In the party Jake and I were very happy.We danced and sang songs in the party.we made lots of friends and play games with them.I think it wa.

一篇元旦晚会的英语作文. On the evening of December 31st,the school held a grand gala in celebration of the new year.The event,highly anticipated every year,was located in the gymnasium,and both students and teachers performed together.There was very beautiful singing,skilled dancing,and fascinating dramatic performances such as witty skits and short plays.Audience members laughed and cried.Lot of thunderous applause was heard for each of the elements.The teachers were very pleased,and the students were proud of what they displayed.All were impressed by the performances.In conclusion,the show was far from being a disappointment.In fact,it was a smashing success.107字,

在生日聚会上我们总是用汉语唱生日歌曲 翻译成英语 快快快 At a birthday party,we always sing the birthday song in Chinese.如果还有其他英语方面的问题可以在微博上问我,我的微博是 英语小张


