我不肯定他会帮你英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 Have you finally told her(about it)?I must be lost my key,because I can't find it anywhere.He can't be in the library.Wasting one's time is wasting one's life.英语翻译 (1)他看起来好像变了许多.He seems to have changed a lot(2)这件衬衫肯定不是汤姆的,它对他来说太小了.This shirt can't be Tom's.It's too small for him(3)假如有人请我当电影演员,我会表示拒绝.If someone ask me to be a movie actor,I will refuse(4)他们已用完了所有的钱.They have spent all their money英语翻译 很开心来回答你的问题。其实这关系到NOT这个否定副词在句子中位置的运用问题,同学,只要你搞懂了这个你就不会有混淆了。DOUBT本身就是一个带有否定意义的动词,表示怀疑,NOT放在主语I后面,它支配了整个主句的否定,也就是:我不怀疑.我不怀疑他会帮我,说明我认为他肯定是会帮我的,双重否定变肯定,这个是没有疑问的。如果这个NOT放到了宾语从句里,变成I doubt that he will not help me那这个时候句子的意义就变成:我怀疑他不会帮我.弄明白了吧。英语翻译 1 Do you doubt whether he will succeed?2 I am not sure whether he will keep his word.3 I don't doubt that he will finish the task ahead of time.4 Our plane is delaied because of the heavy mist.英语翻译 do you have any interest?yes,i do.i like making plane model,and so does hei like shopping,but i dong like floweringdoes he like taking photoes?yes,he doessuyang is making a shirt for hei mothersuhai ls showing her family-photoes to her classmateswould you like to make clothes for my puppt英语翻译 在场的所有人,都支持他的建议The presence of all the people,to support his suggestion在场的所有人,都反对他的建议The presence of all the people,are against his proposal不是所有人 都反对他那样做Not all people are against him to do that.不是所有人 都支持他那样做Not everyone supports him to do that.所有人 都支持你这样做You have the support of everyone to do so所有人 都反对你这样做All the people are against you do你不要指望所有人都喜欢你,你只要努力了就够了.You don't expect everyone like you,as long as you work hard enough.天哪,累死我啦~LZ一定要采纳哦~英语翻译 1.That person must be our math teacher.2.He can't be in the classroom.I saw him in the library just now.3.Helen is a pretty girl with two big eyes.希望帮到你~我不能肯定他是否能帮助我(for certain)翻译成英文 i don't know for certain if he could help me


