英语翻译 Dear XXX,How are you。Regarding the greating card,because I live in China,maybe you can receive it after your birthday.Besides I sent out the greating card at Christmas and I don't know the reason why.英语翻译 1.How long have you been in China?2.I suppose that the knowledge we are learning now will be merely used in future career,of course,Englsh is an exception.3.Didn't you back home during Spring Festival?4.If I were you,I would be missing home.英语翻译 To AUTOart Company,I would like to know for your carrera gt 1:18,are there any goods in future?I am from China and I want to buy this modle.Thank you for your early英语翻译 1.hope we can have opportunities to share experiences.2.Have u eaten ur lunch?3.I m from the department of information.4.I have worked here for half a month.5.We can eat lunch together next time.英语中的客气话怎么说 You are nice.Thank you very much.这些用英语怎么说? 1.Do you want to be a music teacher?2.Do you like eating chinese food?3.Where is your hometown
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