绿色营口,我的家乡征文不少于600字,可以写家乡变化的对比。快 自己写
我爱我的家乡营口作文 “一条河流了很久很久,潮起潮落岁月悠悠…”,大街小巷的出租车里经常可以听到这首既熟悉又亲切的歌。我爱望儿山,我爱渤海湾,我爱漫天飞舞的柳絮,我爱奔腾不息的辽河水。
写一篇名为:“我的家乡营口”的英语作文。字数150。 该你的吗
我的家乡营口英语作文 welcome to my hometown。shanghai is my hometown.it is a modern and busy town.it has a long history.there are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.it is very easy to go shopping.you can see big trees and nice flowers.there are many restaurants in shanghai.the food tastes very delicious.you can enjoy eyery minutes of it.many visitors come here to enjoy it.二i am from shenzhen.in spring,the weather is warm and wet.i can play kite.in summer,the weather is hot and wet.i can swim in the swimming pool.in the autumn,the weather is cool and dry.i can play kite,too.in the winter,the weather is cold and dry.it never snow.三my home town is a beautiful place.it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.but in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.many people had no work.they lived a hard life.in 1949 my hometown was liberated.since then great changes have taken place there.the streets have been widened.factories,schools,hospitals,。
我爱我的家乡营口的征文!!!急 自己写
我爱家乡展示会作文辽宁营口 我的家乡在营口鲅鱼圈,是个海滨城市。盛产水果和海产品,以鲅鱼居多,也许鲅鱼圈就是因此而得名。听爸爸讲,这里原来是一个贫困的小渔村,既没有高楼大厦也没有宽敞笔直的公路,人们靠打渔为生。现在,这里成为经济开发区,招商引资,有了翻天覆地的变化。高楼林立,街道宽敞洁净,美丽的住宅小区比比皆是。还有很大的世纪广场和海上乐园—月亮湖公园。现在又在扩建亿吨的大海港。每到夏天,郊外公路两旁的瓜地一片碧绿,葡萄园里结满了大串的葡萄。海边的渔船披着晚霞,满载着鲜活的鱼蟹而归,构成了一幅美丽的图画。在我的眼里,我的家乡是美丽、富饶的。我爱我的家乡。
我爱家乡展示会作文辽宁营口 我的家乡在营口鲅鱼圈,是个海滨城市。盛产水果和海产品,以鲅鱼居多百,也许鲅鱼圈就是因此而得名。听爸爸讲,这里原来是一个贫困的小渔村,既没有高楼大厦也没有宽敞笔直的公路,人们靠打渔为度生。现在,这里成为经济开发区,招商引资,有了翻天覆地的变化。高楼林立,街道宽敞洁净,美丽的知住宅小区比比皆是。还有很大的世道纪广场和海上乐园—月亮湖公园。现在又在扩建亿吨的大海港。每到夏天,郊外公路两旁的瓜地一片碧绿,葡萄园里结满了内大串的葡萄。海边的渔船披着晚霞,满载着鲜活的鱼蟹而归,构成了一幅美丽的图画。在我的眼里,我的家乡容是美丽、富饶的。我爱我的家乡。