英语翻译 1.The children shouted out at the sight of sea.2.Could you say again since I didn't catch on what you just said?3.He was conscious of the difficulty of that job but still accepted at last.4.I am still puzzled about the things happened that day to this day.Thanks.我今天感觉很开心 怎么翻译成英文 以下三种时态都可以:1.现在进行时:I'm feeling happy/good/well/fine.我现在感觉很开心/很好.用这个时态强调现在处在的状态(开心的)2.一般现在时:I feel happy/good/well/fine.我感觉很开心/很好.用这个时态强调我的心情一直是这样的,现在的心情一直是开心的3.一般过去时:I felt happy/good/well/fine.我今天感觉很开心/很好.因为今天可以分很多个时间段,说这句话的人在过去或刚刚做了某件令他开心的事,他就可以用一般过去时表达,表示在那个时候感觉很开心,但这种开心的感觉仍持续到现在,并对现在有影响(影响就是现在还是感觉开心的)来自百度知道团队[雄鹰展翅英语团]我感觉你不开心。 英语翻译 I don't feel you are happy.这里的语法是:当主句的谓语是表示主观推断的动词时,从句中的否定意思提前,这类动词常见的有“think,suppose,feel,believe,expect“,它们都有类似于“认为,猜测”的意思。例句就是上面那句啦。英语翻译 The kids were excited and screaming out load at the sight of the sea.I did not catch on with your saying,Could you say it again?He was conscious of the difficulty of that mission,but he still accepted.To this day,I am still feeling puzzled from recalling the things that happened the other day.英语翻译 1.Tom回来了,这使得我们非常高兴Tom came back,which made us very happy.2.我什么也没说,这使得他很生气I said nothing,whcih made him very angry.3.任何做那件事的人,肯定是疯了The one who did that thing must be mad.4.众所周知,Robert的语言学的很好Robert studies linguistics very well,which is known to all.5.Einstein是一位著名的科学家,这点我们都知道Einstein is a famous scientist,which we all know.6.他和她结婚了,这是很自然的事He married her,which was a natural thing.英语翻译 It does not matter you choose him over me,as long as you are happy.I only wish you could remember me.Do you think I will be OK after your departure?I will never be OK,seriously.Just for 5 years,you will see his true heart.I feel you have changed a lot since you been with him,even you talk like him.The virtuous you are gone forever.I will never forget you.Let me take you sorrow and tears away.May you happy forever!英语翻译 The children shouted out in delight at the sight of the sea.I didn't catch on what you said just now,could you please repeat it?He accepted the task though he was conscious of the difficulty.To this day I'm still puzzled when thinking about the thing happened that day.英语翻译 我没那么多快乐来让你开心 I cant make that much joyto keep you entertained/happy.to make you happyto fun youto.I cannt make that much joy that can happy you.1.cant 比dont 好。2。make 比have 好。3。可以考虑形容词动词化,happy you.感觉更妙,语气更黑色化。英语翻译 what I happiest matter,is and the husband is sitting together on themountain looks at the dusk the sunset英语翻译 Nobody can know that,My life is unhappy,but,it's tired.Nobody can know about me,who will know that:I need be encouraged while being grieved,.靠,刚看到没分啊,不翻译了,
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