英语翻译 I wish to have a nice family in which my lover and I keep in love each other with a tolerant heart;understand the other's perspective and give helps;encourage the other to move forward,finally enjoy every last moment of our lives hand in hand.I like you as you take the work seriously.Plus,you take the responsibility for the family and society positively,which attract me in a great deal.Dad went there in earlier time,he said that he really in to the people there because they are smart,warm and polite.人与人之间应该互相帮助、互相关爱的英语 人与人之间应该百互相帮助、度互相关爱Between people should help each other,care for each other人与内人之间应该互相容帮助、互相关爱Between people should help each other,care for each other英语翻译 2012里的这句台词,我也非常喜欢.看到了你这道题目,我又去听了一次.还好里面的单词比较通俗,难不倒我.电影的里的原话是这样的:we make our difficult decisions to save our human civilization,but to be human,means to care for each other.civilization means we work together to create better life.that is true,there is nothing human,nothing civilized about we do there.跟电影里面的一摸一样,你去听下,耳朵好累啊.“我们经常互相帮助”用英语怎么说 We often help each other.希望以后我们可以互相帮助.用英语怎么说? hope we can help each other in the future人们在关注人们 这句话用英语怎么说最为合适呢? People are concerned about each other.
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