小学作文《我长胖了》我是一个爱跳舞的,女孩子。从幼儿园中班就开始学习跳舞了。一直学到现在。已经有七年的时间了。最近,不知为什么。刚吃饱不到一会儿。。假如你是李华,你的朋友发胖,你给出建议英语作文 Dear friend,Thank you for your last letter,as you said in the letter,you are getting heavy.I can understand you,don't worry.Let me give you some advice.First,you'd better eat healthily every day,it is necessary to have vegetables and fruit.And then you are supposed to take exercise,like walking or riding bikes to school,playing ball games after class.Finally,you have to drink water every day.Nothing is impossible,if we put our heart on it.I really hope you can keep healthy and beautiful.Yours Lihua帮我找一篇 关于如何避免发胖呢英语作文 a healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children.take li ming for example.li ming used to be a heahhv boy,but over a year ago,he got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks.besides,he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa,watching tv,and did little exercise.as a result,he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to chimb stairs.so li ming decided to change the unhealthy life style,ftc began to have balanced,healthy diet.itc also took part in various sports activities such as swimming,skating,running and playing baskellball.months later,li ming became as fit as before.
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