77.5%敌敌畏乳油毒性怎样? 包括急性经口 急性经皮 眼刺激 皮肤刺激 急性吸入和致敏性。 谢谢!!! 77.5%敌敌畏乳油能死吗


77.5%的敌敌畏乳油驱虫,兑多少水? 一般一克兑二百五到五百克水。

77.5的敌敌畏可以熏米吗? 不可以,敌敌畏的毒性很大,而且气味很难闻,用它熏米,对人体危害太大,所以不能用这个来熏米的。

77.5%的敌敌畏乳油100倍液能不能用于绿化带灭蚊?100倍液在室外喷洒起灭蚊的作用合适吗? 能,对路人和施药者作用巨大。

敌敌畏中毒, 病人喝了百分之77.5的乳油敌敌畏大约100ml,第一天做的透。 Whether To Buy Air,Air Jordans 6 RingsJordan Shoes Online Or In Entity StoreCome to a decision decide whether you growing a pair of Air Jordan shoes in entity store or online?There are still things that you can perform to make the search a little bit easier but it will not be a simple task to make sure fake or real from one another,jordan shoes retro,unless they are the entire scam operation and selling complete fake knock off shoes.Usually these varieties of scam businesses do not last long plus the scammers are often boobed for selling real fraudulent Air Jordan shoes.This does make your task a little difficult but usually all those scam businesses are quickly beyond business having been broke and nobody wants to face a business run by a bunch of liars.And we are just an online seller from China,Jordan Shoes For Kids,and all of our Cheap Jordan Shoes are made in China,Buy Cheap Jordans,but good quality we can promise.Online shopping not to say very convenience,jordan retro 。

敌敌畏喝了多久会死净含量290克百分之77.5的敌敌畏喝半瓶多久会死 我喝过。告诉你如果我骗你,我天打五雷轰。因为减肥得了严重抑郁。当时我趁我朋友睡着了。内种像大玻璃瓶的敌敌畏。我把它兑安了饮料里。总之我就喝了大一口,嗓子像针扎一样,当时肚子就有反应特别疼,后来躺床上,翻了两个身很快就没知觉了。也不疼,

77.5%的敌敌畏喝一瓶会死吗? 不要一瓶,只要半瓶盖就足够了

77.5%敌敌畏乳油毒性怎样? 包括急性经口 急性经皮 眼刺激 皮肤刺激 急性吸入和致敏性。 谢谢!!! O,O-二甲基-O-2,2-二氯乙烯磷酸酯中等毒性,经口,眼,鼻粘膜及皮肤吸收,一)主因 敌敌畏属有机磷农药,广用于农作物杀虫,还有家庭灭蚊、蝇。。

敌敌畏中毒, 病人喝了百分之77.5的乳油敌敌畏大约100ml,第一天做的透。 Whether To Buy Air,Air Jordans 6 RingsJordan Shoes Online Or In Entity Store Come to a decision decide whether you growing a pair of Air Jordan shoes in entity 。

77.5%的敌敌畏能毒死人吗,我只是想确定人是否死得了 你好,可能是很危险,一般情况下建议及时的放到安全的地方,为好的。

百分77.5的和百分20的敌敌畏乳油有什么区别 1,有效成分的含量不同;2,77.5的含量高;3,20的含量低.

