比我幸福 翻译成英语是怎么读? 别说是biwoxingfu。。。。。。。 happier than me^_^
请你一定要比我幸福,用英文怎么说? Please be happy than me。I wish you will be happy than me.You must be happy than me。翻译完毕,你看可以不,可以的话,请选为满意答案。希望对你有所帮助,如有疑问,请指出!
我希望你将来比我幸福英文怎么说 I hope you will be happier than me in the future.
“请你一定要比我幸福”的英语怎么讲? 直接说”Be happier than me.”就行最地道,简单,语气又坚决
全世界人现在都比我幸福 英文怎么说 The whole world are in happiness except me.People all over the world are happier than me.