我长胖了英文 “长胖”用英语怎么说?


“长胖了”英语有几种表达? 通常我都喜欢吐槽朋友长胖了,因为自己是个大瘦子,怎么吃都不胖,但是慎用啊,仅限死党之间使用!关注E2say,为你的英语学习道路保驾护航1.gain weightgain 意思就是增加、长了。后面可以直接跟具体的重量。例:我夏天的时候长胖了很多因为我就在家待着什么也不干。I gained a lot of weight during the summer because I just sat around the house.2.I put on some weight.我长胖了例:I think I am putting on a little weight.I had better go on a diet.我觉得自己最近重了些,最好去减肥了。3.I got fat.我长胖了“变胖”俩字最对应的英文恐怕就是它了。例:I can't believe I've let myself get so fat.真不敢相信我竟让自己长这么胖了。4.Fill out这个短语不仅有填写表格的意思,还有“变胖”、“变丰满”的意思,不过通常是指由于成长引起的身材变化。例:It was easier to find clothes that fit him once he began to fill out.在他长胖前,还是很好找到合适的衣服的。5.stout 结实的,壮实的例:She is getting too stout.她长得太结实了。6.big-boned骨骼粗大的例:I am a large,big-boned woman with rough,man-working hands.我是一个大块头、大。

我长胖了英文 “长胖”用英语怎么说?

知道你最近长胖了 用英语怎么说? I know that you get fat recently

我长胖了英文 “长胖”用英语怎么说?

我最近长胖了用英语怎么说,要用到lately 你好!我最近长胖了I've been gaining weight recently

我长胖了英文 “长胖”用英语怎么说?

用英语翻译然而,我长胖了不少 However,I have a lot of fat

长胖,英语怎么说 fat读音:2113英[f?t]美[f?t]释义:adj.肥的,胖5261的;油腻的;丰满的n.脂肪,肥肉vt.养肥4102;在…中加入脂肪vi.长肥n.(Fat)人名;(法、西1653、塞)法特;(东南亚国家华语)发短语:fat chance[美口]希望渺茫;很少可能(作反语)body fat 体脂肪;体脂重blood fat 血脂low fat 低脂chew the fat 闲谈;聊天

我很胖怎么办 用英文回答 最好长一点 do not care too much about the look or shape,people should see what you are from the inside.if they judge your just by your appearance,then just screw them.Live your own life.

“长胖”用英语怎么说? fat读音:copy英[f?t]美[f?t]释义:adj.肥的,胖的;油腻的;丰满的n.脂肪,肥肉vt.养肥;在…中加入脂肪vi.长肥n.(Fat)人名;(法、西、塞)法特;(东南亚国家华语)发短语:fat chance[美口]希望渺茫;很少可能zhidao(作反语)body fat 体脂肪;体脂重blood fat 血脂low fat 低脂chew the fat 闲谈;聊天


