英语翻译 1.I am to see you this year.We will not have to meet the five years.2.Our company recently introduced a new product,spent 100,000 RMB.3.You should attach great importance to this opportunity and seize.英语翻译 in addition,our company released some new products and we have sent it to you.Please have a look at it据说p&G公司下周要推出一款新产品。{lt's said that。.,bring out}英文翻译 知道 提问 搜一搜 。举报反馈 战队 据说p&G公司下周要推出一款新产品。{lt's said that.,bring out}英文翻译 写回答 有奖励 据说p&G公司下周要推出一款新产品。英语翻译 For having better cooperation opportunies,we plan to market a new product to replace the current one.The reason is because that the current one has been in the market for almost three years and will be stopped the prodution.I'd like to check with you whether you want to have the replacement.The price will be kept the same as the current on.Thanks。英语翻译 hello.Mr.I am the reporter from.School.I am here to interview you.I heard that your company has manufactured a new mobile,can you talk about your new products?Oh my god.It makes.“推出”新产品,“推出”用英文怎么说? Present就行了!那么复杂干什么?新推出的产品:newly presented products。推出新产品:present the new products.已有此意了!
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