虽然很忙 但是很具有挑战性 英语怎么说 这里有10句英文请帮忙翻译一下,我的作业好多`帮帮忙


英语高手请帮忙 要本人翻译!千万不要用在线翻译工具 明天要交作业的!请大侠帮帮忙!小女子在线跪求! 帮你翻译完了,给你发了n条信息也不理我。我给自己80分,翻译的应该没有跑题。STEP FOUR:IMPLEMENTYOUR BRAND STRATEGYAGGRESSIVELY第四步:有攻势地执行你的品牌策略Next,you must implementyour new brandstrategy.At the veryleast this means:接下来:你必须最少用到下述方法来执行你的新品牌策略。Launch the brand with a campus-wide initiative.Celebrate thefact that you have reached an important milestone开创学校范围的品牌。庆祝你已经达到了一个重要的转折点。Provide the dollar and talent resources to support the plan为支持计划提供财力和物力资源Conduct training on how to implement and fulfill thebrand promise引导培训关于完善和实现品牌承诺Determine how the brand will be evaluated测定品牌将会怎么样被评价Talk up the process and the emerging brand strategy among keyadministrative and faculty leaders在关键管理人员和领导那里宣传过程和形成的品牌策略Finally,don’t blink.When you launch your brand,you will meetresistance.Opposition will coalesce.Critics will find a voice.Andwhen this。

英语高手们,,帮帮忙吧,,帮俺把这段英语翻译一下,,, A novel tubular coordination network[Zn(spcp)(OH)](spcp=4-sulfanylmethyl-4'-phenylcarboxylate pyridine)with a modest SHG activity based on two types of homo-chiral helices was synthesized and characterized.一种新型的管状协调网络[锌(双机)(噢)](双机=4-sulfanylmethyl-4'-phenylcarboxylate吡啶)与适度倍频活动结合的新型homo-chiral螺旋的合成及特点。Crystal engineering based on noncentrosymmetric metal–organic frameworks(MOFs)by using asymmetric bridging ligands as building blocks has attracted much attention owing to its potential applications as second-order nonlinear optical(NLO)materials.The utilization of asymmetric bridging ligands can introduce electronic asymmetry(push–pull effect),which is essential for a second harmonic generation(SHG)response.At present,there are numerous examples with three dimensional interpenetrated diamondoid or two-dimensional grid structural motifs assembled by combining unsymmetrical,rigid,and linear pyridinecarboxylate ligands and d10 metal 。

英语翻译成汉语 老实说,最初(在拍摄前开始)我有一些疑虑浪漫公主.也许是成功的Hanakimi让我有点担心我的即将举行的电视剧?然而,通过拍摄的经验和观察后,第1集.我想我是错了!。

这里有10句英文请帮忙翻译一下,我的作业好多`帮帮忙 1 you with your parents together feel relaxed。2 to England for a high school year for me is an unforgettable experience,I met many experienced teachers,the students have great respect for them。I also manager something interesting.This year I improve a lot of 3 although papers,I still challenging achieved high marks4 the exam.The students will find are ready。5 you attended the meeting yesterday?How many people are there in your class6 the average student in your class,Age is?7 this sounds like a good idea.8 your homework without you think so much。On weekends I like nine football and the Internet10 the skin to your friends,I introduce.Ok?

各大高手快来帮帮忙..最有挑战性的英语作文。 直接看原著不就好了 至少是不同句意 重复句式 还可以认单词 更好 中国人写出来的不标准 就是一个套式 没用的。

英语口语考试,每段话要一段论述大约2到3分钟,帮帮忙呀 Directions:You are required to talk about one of the following topics within 3 minutes.说明:你被要求在3分钟内谈论下列话题之一。1.Please describe a person who 。

英语口语考试,每段话要一段论述大约2到3分钟,帮帮忙呀 Directions:You are required to talk about one of the following topics within 3 minutes.说明:你被要求在3分钟内谈论下列话题之一。1.Please describe a person who left a big impression on you.请描述一个给你留下深刻印象的人。2.Would you please state an impressive event in your college life(a sports meeting,a welcome party,a speech contest,a fantastic debate,etc.)?请陈述你大学生活中令人印象深刻的一件事(运动会、欢迎会、演讲比赛、精彩的辩论等)好吗?3.Can you tell us how to bridge the generation gap?你能告诉我们如何弥合代沟吗?4.Would you please tell us about your most treasured possession?请告诉我们你最珍爱的财产好吗?5.What are the pros and cons of exercises?运动的好处和坏处是什么?6.Please tell us about a time when you did something challenging.请告诉我们你做过什么具有挑战性的事情。7.If you were a celebrity,where will you spend your money on?如果你是一个名人,你会把钱花在哪里?8.The most attractive place you want to see or have seen in the world.世界上最吸引人的地方,你想看或已经看过。

