英语翻译 我猜肯定没有英语怎么说



英语翻译 我猜肯定没有英语怎么说

英语翻译 1.I really hoped you can put out compared to this better solution.2.Said to the nurse that,persisted this stipulation is veryimportant.3.When Black Hakkas fire,exactly all is watching the movie.

英语翻译 我猜肯定没有英语怎么说

英语翻译 1.He puts on the eyeglasses,so that he can see clearly the television2.I dare to affirm that you will never guess correctly who this morning I did see3.so is he4.he didnt change at all5.The bread went bad6.what can i do for you

英语翻译 我猜肯定没有英语怎么说

电影中看到的 是一句答话 我猜大概是肯定的意思 因为他翻译为 没错 想问问这个到底是什么意思 最好讲下为什么 我猜电影中那个人说了什么他认为哪个人不会知道的所以他说 thrill me我觉得 就是“你连这都要知道了。太让我震惊了。因为thrill这个词有(使)激动 的意思不知道对不对参考参考吧

英语翻译 没人回答你,那我试试吧:Ten years later,I guess you must be a young man who can struggle for his own dream,who never stop until the dream come true,who can plan the dream in a small position,wh.

汉译英:我猜你肯定没有了解过她们 I bet you never have tried to understand them.

英语翻译 Dear。You have a good time tonight?I guess you must still be in a busy。Or in and customer to have a meal。Remember less drink wine。To oneself good point,because life is not long;To the people around him good point,because next life can not meet。I started missing you again。Miss your dinner。Miss you smell。Miss your kiss。I wish you have a nice evening.I love you。


我猜你已经睡着了 英语怎么说 I guess you might have fallen asleep when the telephone rang.(指过去某个时候)I guess you fell asleep(比如说immediately after supper yesterday.).I guess she/he is asleep(=sleeping=has fallen asleep)now.

猜不透用英语怎么说 unable to guess out读音:英[?n?e?bl tu ɡes a?t]美[?n?e?bl tu ɡes a?t]释义:猜不出来。语法:guess的基本意思是从不肯定的、不充足的或模糊的含义中“猜”,可表示“猜”的7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431366335动作“猜测”,也可表示“猜”的结果“猜出”“猜中”。guess可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时。例句:I am sorry to disappoint you,but my guess is that if your husband wanted to hang out with your mother,he would already be doing so.不好意思,让你失望了。不过,我猜,如果你老公真想时不时去看看你母亲,他早就那么做了。扩展资料近义词:unable to make out读音:英[?n?e?bl tu me?k a?t]美[?n?e?bl tu me?k a?t]释义:猜不透。语法:make out通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。指辨别、确定人的身份或物品的归属等,指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。例句:Most of the academic research just rests on the superficial description of the totalpollution,so that people are unable to make out the trued of the village pollution of reason,especially,causes of Non-point。


