简奥斯汀爱情语录 电影电视中最经典的表白台词?


有哪些无关爱情的适合摘抄的句子? 1.雨打梨花深闭门,忘了青春,误了青春。唐寅《一剪梅·雨打梨花深闭门》2.人有逆天之时,天无绝人…

简奥斯汀爱情语录 电影电视中最经典的表白台词?

为什么简·奥斯汀的《劝导》没有《傲慢与偏见》《理智与情感》那么火? 首先,《劝导》这名字就不是很吸引人嘛。不过,《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》是非常幸运的,它们都被著…

简奥斯汀爱情语录 电影电视中最经典的表白台词?

如何评价简·奥斯汀的《爱玛》? 今年恰逢《爱玛》出版两百周年。作为公认奥斯汀最受认可、文学价值最高的作品,为什么《爱玛》极少被国内…

简奥斯汀爱情语录 电影电视中最经典的表白台词?

成为简奥斯汀 里的一句台词 经典对白:成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane(2007)Mrs.Austen:Affection is desirable.Money is absolutely indispensable。Jane Austen:If I marry,I want it to be out of affection.Like my mother.Mrs.Austen:And I have to dig up my own bloody potatoes。Tom Lefroy:How can you,of all people,dispose of yourself without affection?Jane Austen:How can I dispose of myself with it?Mrs.Austen:JANE。Lady Gresham:What is she doing?Mr.Wisley:Writing.Lady Gresham:Can anything be done about it?Tom Lefroy:What value will there ever be in life,if we aren't together?Jane Austen:My characters shall have,after a little trouble,all that they desire.Tom Lefroy:If you wish to practice the art of fiction,to be considered the equal of a masculine author,then your horizons must be.widened.

电影电视中最经典的表白台词? 谢邀。力推每年圣诞节必看的《真爱至上》,Mark向Juliet那段无声的表白。Say is carol singersWith any lu…


