我不在乎什么翻译 我不在乎!用英文怎么说?


我不在乎结果,我只在乎过程的翻译是:什么意思 我不在乎结果,我只在乎过程。I don't care about the results but only the process.我想我不在乎的英文翻译是什么 我想我在乎:I think I care.否定句:I don't think I care.我不在乎。用英语翻译 “我不在乎。英语2113:“I don't care.”例句:1、Please give me something to drink,I don't care which.请给我点饮料喝5261一喝4102,不管哪一种都行。2、In this book I don't care about who is on the right side,the victorious or the defeated side.在书1653中,我不关心谁站在正确的一边,无论是胜利者或是战败者。3、You don't need to sleep on a floor or do anything specific to be a minimalist.I don’t care what you do or don’t do.不过为了成为简客你特意做什么和不做什么对我来说都无所谓,你睡地板还是不睡地板,极简主义就在这里,不来,不去。扩展资料care英[ke?]美[k?r]n.关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑vi.照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑vt.在意;希望或喜欢n.(Care)人名;(英)凯尔;(塞)察蕾过去式 cared 过去分词 cared 现在分词 caring例句:1、It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.人们认为她完全能照顾自己。2、There we experience that we belong not to people,not even to those who love us and care for us,but to God and God alone.在孤独中我们会体会到我们不属于他人,甚至不属于。我什么也不在乎,用英文怎样翻译 I don't care anything求翻译 (我不在乎你是什么,但你确实吸引着我) I don't care who you are,but you are truly attrack me.你不在乎我 英文是什么? You don't care me!推荐个软件,有道词典,可以翻译句子的,也可以差词语.「我不在乎输赢,我就是认真」用英语怎么翻译? It's not about victory,it's all about dedication.it 指代 what i do请童鞋们记住,在英文中…我不在乎翻译成古文是什? 无所谓,我不在乎翻译成古文是 小事尔,吾焉能在意乎。这就是无所谓,我不在乎的古文

