

他自从出生以来就一直住在苏州的翻译是:什么意思 他自从出生以来就一直住在苏州He has been living in Suzhou since he was born.


英语翻译 卡尔〃马克思出生于德国,德语是他的母语.他年轻时,由于政治原因被迫离开祖国.他在比利时呆过几年,后来到了法国.不久,他又不得不再次迁移、1849年他到了英国,把伦敦作为从事革命工作的基地.马克思在学校学过一点法语.


英语翻译 1 Since Sandy was birth,she has been lived here.she has lived here since Sandy was born,2 in sunlight and nearby,past an old cinema.3 the factory used to toxic water discharge into the river.4.Daniel used to like to play computer games.5 my grandpa is used to getting up early every day.6 it is the best model.7 I have no letters from my parents.8 in the past one hundred years,great changes have taken place in Beijing.9 and I saw it again,last week I saw in the museum.10 in the past,many people live in the old house.11 Moonlight Town not far from sunshine town.12 he lives alone,he feels lonely is it right?13 since 1958,has been in use long distance bus.14 the government has put a small post office to change into a big cinema.15 of our country is becoming and beautiful16 again in 1965,they moved to Sunshine Town Center17 Cheng of than 70 years old,but he still looks very healthy18 he was lucky enough to see the changes in Shanghai.19 I have never seen such。


英文 翻译 出生日期 date of birth:17/11/1995

英语翻译 I was born in 1992,I'm 16 years old in your counting method,but I still hope I can be younger.

自从出生以来我一直生活在这里的翻译是:什么意思 自从出生以来我一直生活在这里。英文翻译:I've lived here ever since I was born.重点词汇释义:自从:since出生:born;birth;be born;come;come into the world以来:since在这里:here

英语翻译 按照顺序:月、日、年、地点的顺序来翻译但也不是非常死的规定 可以根据你想要突出的重点来说比如你想突出你出生的地方,你可以这样:i was born on june 29th 1998 in GZ city,thats a city of beautiful flowers.如果你想重点放在你的生日上,你可以这样:i was born in GZ city,that was a very special day to my family,its a raining afternoon on june 29th,1998,the year of tiger.GZ 我就不写全拼了 正规的书写方式还是要把拼音全部写下来的



