保护我们的地球(英语作文) The earth is our mother;the earth is our indispensable to human right;human earth is our cradle。After losing the earth,we will always save do not come back.Earth is our home,she was like a mother,for providing us with the resources and conditions of existence.Our earth is the guest,we cannot turn from a guest into a host\"\".Free to exploitation of mineral resources;reckless abuse of chemicals;littering and causing serious environmental pollution;discharge of sewage,destruction of water resources and so on.The foolish man,don't forget,in the earth's true resource dried up when,we are doomed,because suitable for human living space only earth.The earth is the common home of symbiotic creatures from the harmony of all things.There is only one home,the earth cannot clone.Protection of green water and blue sky,build a green home。地球是2113我们人类的母亲5261;地球是我们人类不可缺少的4102知音;地球是我们人类的摇篮!失去1653地球后,我们将永远挽救不回来。地球是我们人类赖以生存的家园。求以拯救地球为主题的英语作文一篇 Let's Do Something to Save Our Environment It is recently reported that some rivers and lakes have dried up in South China.A lot of fishes died.The bottoms of the rivers and lakes have become grass land.The water is becoming less and less because of the bad weather.So everyone should do something to save our environment.First,we should save every drop of water,such as turning off the taps after using it and recycling the water.For example,we can water the plants and clean the rest room with our used water.Second,we should save energy,such as less turning on the lights and turning off the lights when we leave;Do walking,bicycling and less driving and so on.Third,we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.Let's act now from everything to save our environment.Don't let our tears be the last drop of water in the world。“呼吁环保 拯救地球” 英语作文 It's Time to Take actions to Protect our Environment now The environmental matter is a hot topic nowadays.Not only does it affect our health,it also has a great impact on our future.Our environment is.拯救地球英语作文5句话 1.“它将拯救地球。It will save the planet。3.那么,我们有能力拯救地球吗?So can we afford to save the planet?4.开始素食加入环保拯救地球.Start vegetarian diet save earth environment.5.看上去差不多人人都同意:各国政府如今要在拯救地球和解救经济这二者之间作个选择.Almost everyone seems to agree:governments now face a choice between saving the planet and saving the economy.article.yeeyan.org6.而且拯救地球什么时候变成坏事了?And since when did saving the earth become such a bad thing?7.到2015年我们能拯救地球吗?Can we save the world by 2015?article.yeeyan.org8.建造轻一些的住宅既省钱又能拯救地球.Building lighter can save money and the planet.9.地球工程真的可以拯救地球以抵御气候变化吗?Can geoengineering save the world from climate change?10.山姆魏瓦奇,你拥有拯救地球的关键线索.Sam witwicky,you hold the key to earth's survival.www.kekenet.com11.她还在拯救地球,目前整个一不适应社会的小孩.She's saving the world one maladjusted kid at a time.12.可持续发展的城市能否拯救地球?Could 。拯救我们的地球 英语作文 This is the earth.The green part is land.The blue part is sea.The white part is clouds.Our earth is very beautiful and interesting.这是地球。。关于《拯救地球》的英语作文 Saving Our Earth It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.For one thing,rubbish may cause a lot of pollution.It may pollute the air,the water and the places we live in.For another,it ma.求一篇关于拯救地球的英语作文范文 500词左右 拯救地球(Saving the Earth):英语作文范文The population of the earth is increasing very fast.Humans must make the earth support the increasing population.This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly.Such a rapid development produces and waste,which goes into the water,the soil and the air.Some of it is made harmless.However,where there is too much of it,the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people.When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better,or use poison to kill pests,poison is sent into the air,the water and the soil.When birds,fish and people eat the grain,drink the water or breath the air,harm will be done to their health.The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories.Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke.In some places,little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air.Fortunately,people are beginning to 。
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