出发英语怎麼翻譯 出发英语怎么说


出发英文怎么说 start 2113英[stɑ?t]美[stɑ?rt]释义:v.开始;出发5261;震惊;n.开始;震动;领先优势;起推动作用的4102外力1653过去式:started 过去分词:started 现在分词:starting 第三人称单数:starts词语用法v.(动词)1、start的基本意思是“从静止状态转移到运动状态”,可指工作、活动等的开始;战争、火灾等的发生;也可指人开始工作,着手某项活动等;还可指人、事物使某事情发生或引起某事情。2、start可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语,也可接以现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。start偶尔还可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。3、start可用一般现在时或现在进行时来表示将来。例句用作动词(v.)1、It started to rain.下起雨来了.2、I used to start work at 9 o'clock every day.我过去常在每天9:00开始工作。用作名词(n.)1、He knew from the start the idea was hopeless.一开始他就知道这主意行不通。2、What a start you gave me。你吓了我一大跳!扩展资料:近义词的用法begin 英[b?'ɡ?n]美[b?'ɡ?n]释义:v.开始;着手过去式:began 过去分词:begun 现在分词:beginning 第三人称单数:。

出发英语怎麼翻譯 出发英语怎么说

出发 英语怎么说 start from

出发英语怎麼翻譯 出发英语怎么说

出发英语怎么说 set out

出发英语怎麼翻譯 出发英语怎么说

立刻出发用英文怎么说,越多越好。最好是常用的,放在句子里能合适。 立刻出发:Head out now.直译:现在出发Set out now.直译:现在出发Get going now.直译:准备出发Hurry out(of here).直译:赶紧出发Hit the road now.直译:现在上路Leave now.直译:现在离开我们立刻出发吧:Let'.

(出发)英语怎么说 翻译是:Set out但是在现在都比较喜欢讲:Let's go

出发英文怎么说 Let,s go

“出发”用英文怎么说? 出发用英文是2113set out。set out英[set aut]美[s?t a?t]动身;出发;着手;5261 安排扩展资料1.A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.5只划艇排成4102一行从对岸出1653发了。2.We set out on this voyage of exploration with an open mind.我们以开放的心态开始了这次探索之旅。3.They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank.他们沿着河岸向西出发了。4.We set out to find the truth behind the mystery.我们开始着手揭开谜团背后的真相。5.The doctors have set out their arguments against the proposals.医生们已经陈述了他们反对这些提案的理由。

出发用英文怎么说 Let's go【例句】If it is some distant suburb county or even farther,I have to leave on Friday night on a bus.如果去比较远的郊县或者更远的地方,星期五晚上就得坐车出发。Allowing for the bad weather,we should set off soon考虑到天气不好,我们应该立即出发。When he set off,the solo record stood at 93 days他出发的时候,单人航海世界记录是93天。Rain or shine,well set out tomorrow.不论天气好坏,我们明天出发。The coach leaves at 8:30 a.m.,and we shall get back to the hotel by 9 o'clock in the evening.\"大轿车早上八点半出发,所以我晚上九点应可以回到饭店。In logic,a formal language together with a deductive apparatus by which some well-formed formulas can be derived from others.\"在逻辑中,指从一组公理出发,通过推理而产生的词项和内含关系的一种抽象的理论结构。let's go,let's jump right in我们走,跳上车come on,let's go,you dirty old troll来吧,咱们走,你这老巨魔Let 's go to the Ferris wheel.一起去做摩天轮吧。Let 's go Dutch我们各自付账。Let 's go Dutch.各付各的。By coincidence I will。


出发,英语怎么说 出发的英语单词是depart,音标是英[d?'pɑ?t]美[d?'pɑrt]。词汇分析单词:depart音标:英[d?'pɑ?t]美[d?'pɑrt]释义:1、逝世的离开;2、出发,起程;违反;去世短语to depart 离去;离开;我把眼睛哭出来;我把眼泪哭出来depart for 开往;动身去;去往某处DEPART PORT 离港地点Will Depart 实际出发时间depart note 借记单例句1、Before you depart,let me give you a word of advice.你离开之前让我给你一句忠告。2、The research showed that the airport you depart from also influences the cost.这项研究显示你从哪个机场出发也会影响你的花费。3、The vehicles are only rated to spend about 200 days in space,so they'll have to depart soon.这种飞船被认为只能在太空度过呆200天左右,所以他们必须尽快离开。4、You can echo Jesus’prayer,saying,“Father,before I depart the world,help me to impart godlytruths to my children and grandchildren.你可以仿照耶稣的祈祷,说:“爸爸,在我离开这个世界之前,帮我授予上帝的真谛给我的孩子们吧。5、On the other hand,you should visit the post office half an hour after 。


