9.4我要上春晚李成宇唱的什么歌 李成宇唱的所有歌曲


中国新声代李成宇唱了什么歌? 第二期:《an angel》《I surrender》。第三期:《亲爱的小孩》。第五期:《a mother‘s prayer》。第六期《明天你好》《poker face》。第八期《小黄人》。第九期《长城谣》。第十二期《Tell Me Why》《Can you feel the love tonight》。第十三期《You Raise Me Up》

9.4我要上春晚李成宇唱的什么歌 李成宇唱的所有歌曲

求《中国新声代》第三季李成宇唱的狮子王主题曲《Can You Feel the Love Ton

9.4我要上春晚李成宇唱的什么歌 李成宇唱的所有歌曲

求《中国新声代》第三季李成宇唱的狮子王主题曲《Can You Feel the Love Ton 歌名:Can you feel the love tonight歌手:Elton John作曲:Elton John作词:Tim RiceThere’s a calm surrender to the rush of day有一股宁静臣服于一日的繁忙When the heat of the rolling wind can be turned away何时这喧嚣的风才能褪尽它的灼热An enchanted moment,and it sees me through而这美妙的时刻却突然洞悉了我的内心It’s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you或许仅仅能够与你同在便足以安抚我这战士烦躁的心灵And can you feel the love tonight今夜,你可否感受到爱?It is where we are它是如此如影随行It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer让那流浪者叹讶长久那已足够That we got this far这爱已然足够And can you feel the love tonight今夜,你可否感受到爱?How it’s laid to rest?心潮澎湃,岂能入睡?It’s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best无论贫富都坚信这是至善那已足够There’s a time for everyone if they only learn也许有一天当每个人都能够明白That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn变幻的美丽景致也将回来感动着我们There’s a rhyme。

9.4我要上春晚李成宇唱的什么歌 李成宇唱的所有歌曲

中国新声代第三季学员李成宇和曹格一起唱的歌是什么 格式错误

9.4我要上春晚李成宇唱的什么歌 滚滚红尘-袁凤瑛词:袁凤瑛曲:袁凤瑛是一个错误年份认识不该结识的人烧毁一生浮华无非要换来他灰飞了的关心情感永远没名份想松紧不对称的琴拖拖拉拉奏不出惊世故事只得沙哑声音爱似爱亲难亲拥抱尽头是黑暗错已错忍难忍翻天覆地也难近人间有惹恨情人没伸手拯救我的神生生死死原来无非要换来他半天半点遗憾爱似爱亲难亲拥抱尽头是黑暗错已错忍难忍翻天覆地也难近或者这就是荣幸令今生不爱我的人子子孙孙流传着他与隐秘的我相爱的传闻爱似爱亲难亲拥抱尽头是黑暗错已错忍难忍翻天覆地也难近未知道是没缘份用千手千眼去找寻翻翻滚滚原来无非也换来一抹泣血的红尘一点一点泪水终会化造一抹泣血的红尘

李成宇唱过的国宝级英文歌 I Feel Good(I Got You)-James BrownI feel good like I knew that I wouldn'tI feel good,I knew that I wouldn'tSo goodSo goodI got youI,I feel nice,like sugar and spiceI feel nice,like sugar and spiceSo niceSo niceI got youWhen I hold you in my armsI know I can do no wrongWhen I hold you in my armsI know I can do no wrongI feel nice,like sugar and spiceI feel nice,like sugar and spiceSo niceSo niceI got youWhen I hold you in my armsI know I can do no wrongWhen I hold you in my armsMy love won't do you no harmI feel nice,like sugar and spiceI feel nice,like sugar and spiceSo niceSo niceI got youI feel goodLike I knew that I wouldn'tI feel goodLike I knew that I wouldn'tSo goodSo goodI got youSo goodSo goodI got youSo goodSo goodI got you



