昨天是端午节,学校组织我班同学去幸福养老院慰问老人,给老人送温暖,请你给校刊写篇文章,记叙当天的活动. 端午节 堵卡 送慰问



开展端午节慰问活动方案 导语:端午节,是我国最传统、最古老的节日。开展端午节慰问活动,让有需要的人感受的关怀。下面是小编为大家整理的展端午节慰问活动方案,欢迎大家阅读!。

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昨天是端午节,学校组织我班同学去幸福养老院慰问老人,给老人送温暖,请你给校刊写篇文章,记叙当天的活动. Yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival,we went to Happiness Nursing House to help the old people.I had a happy day.(开篇点题)When we arrived,we were warmly welcomed by the old people.First we introduced ourselves.Then we were packing Zongzi together with the old,talking and laughing.After lunch,we performed and sang songs with them happily.Finally all the old people said goodbye to us at the gate.(当天的活动)At the end of the day,we were very happy because we did a good deed.I think it necessary for us to learn how to respect and take care of others,especially the old.【高分句型一】It is also a traditional virtue to help the old.On the other hand,if everyone shows the love to others,the world will become peaceful and warmer.【高分句型二】(我的感受)

端午节慰问一线职工标语横幅 1、粽情过端午,香飘五月五。2、粽情端午,xx献礼。3、有“粽”你就来。4、忆一段历史佳话,尝一颗 风味美 棕。5、一家“粽”总动员。6、五月端午节,xx 包粽 赛。。

端午节写给妈妈的慰问信 今天端午节都过完了都开始上班了你才想起来给妈妈写信你也太有心了赶紧给妈妈打个电话报个平安吧

