黄明昊和蔡徐坤污文 夏夜真让我着迷 作文


夏夜真让我着迷 作文 那是一个如诗如梦的境界,令人着迷,令人陶醉。月儿出来了,睁着朦胧的睡眼,披着金黄的纱衣,高高的挂在空中。天是那么的蓝像一潭深蓝的湖水。一望无际的夜空中闪烁这无数的小星星,他们天真活泼,不停的眨着眼睛,像是在嬉戏玩耍,我真想变成一颗小星星啊,同他们嬉戏玩耍。看,那是隔着河的牛郎星和织女星,我想他们此刻一定在含情脉脉的注视着对方。月亮在悠闲的散着步,我也随它漫步在小园香径中,小花坛里虽然没有什么珍奇花草,却也那般让人陶醉。最显眼的是那一朵朵小秋菊,在月下,好像羞涩似的,微微合起美丽的花瓣依然美丽动人;茉莉花虽然没有漂亮的花瓣但香气足以压倒一切。走到那块小池塘前,看着那深蓝色的水,看着水上碧绿的莲叶上调皮的青蛙,心也不由得欢畅起来,叶子绿得发黑,嫩的玉滴,朵朵粉红色的莲花更是可爱,出淤泥而不染。他们毕竟那个清玉洁立于泥水中,真让人敬佩。一阵凉风吹来,吸一口气,多么清新,多么芳香啊!吹走白天的燥热,吹来凉爽与恬静。我抬起头来,放眼观望这一切美好的景象,忧愁早已烟消云散,心静静的没有一丝波纹。忽然感到一丝睡意,回到家里一看,没想到已经是十一点钟了。

黄明昊和蔡徐坤污文 夏夜真让我着迷 作文

给我一篇英语作文. I like sports very much,so I’ve made Yao Ming,a great athlete,my idol since I was in the primary school.He’s really tall and strong,and he’s good at playing basketball.As a powerful athlete,he is so energetic and skillful that he was chosen as a new NBA star.He’s a great player in NBA now,and I am so proud of him.I like him because he is hard working and kind-hearted.He often gives the money to charity and tries to help the people who are suffered from the earthquake in Si chuan.I do learn a lot from him.One can succeed if he has a dream in his mind and keeps on pursuing it.I’m working hard at school now.I wish I could be successful like him someday.

黄明昊和蔡徐坤污文 夏夜真让我着迷 作文

以我的偶像为题写一篇作文 个人心中都有一个支柱,有一个支持的偶像.我是一个追星族,我的偶像并不是 什么科学家或身边的聪明人,他只是一个歌手 一个用心用灵魂唱歌的歌手—张杰.我欣赏他在最低落时不放弃的自信,喜欢他为了歌迷可以.

黄明昊和蔡徐坤污文 夏夜真让我着迷 作文

英语作文 我的偶像 My idolMy idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on.Also,his songs are very good。Such as\"Forever love\",\"Only one\",\"Mary says\",\"the small love in big city\",\"Kiss goodbye\"and so on.And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics.So many people like him very much.Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music.Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records.He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people.So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans。


