英语作文:写一篇小短文,介绍你家人的情况,要求使用形容词的比较级.(50-60词) My familyThere are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and I.My father is forty years old.My mother is two years younger than my father.They are both teachers.I am a middle school.《我的朋友》比较级英语作文 My friend.I have a good friend.Her name is Betty.She is 12 years old.I‘m one year older than her.Her eyes are bigger than mine.Her hair is black and long.My hair is longger than hers.Betty is 156 centimetres tall.I'm 2 centimetres taller than her.She is about 40 kilos.I'm 50 kilos.So she is thinner than me.Betty is a beautiful and helpful girl.She does better in than me.She often helps me with my English.We'll be good friends forever.我有一个好朋友.她的名字叫贝蒂.她今年12岁,我比她大一岁.她的眼睛比我的大,头发又黑又长.我的头发比她的更长.贝蒂156厘米高,我比她高2厘米.她大约40公斤,我50公斤,所以她比我瘦.贝蒂是个漂亮的乐于助人的女孩,她的英语学得比我好,她经常帮助我学英语.我们将永远是好朋友.祝开心。谁能用比较级帮我写10句小短文 随便介绍什么 上面有些人的翻译简直就是误人子弟嘛.正确翻译如下:Angel is my best friend.She is taller than me.Also,she is older than me.At the same time,she is pretty compare to me.No matter what she did,she is always serious than me.However,she is not so humorous as me.She can always take care of me even better than taking care of herself when I am together with her.I hope she can get exciting day by day.用比较级的句式描写自己的朋友写一篇作文 共1 My best friend My best friend xxx is a little taller than I.She is friendly,outgoing and smart.We always study and play together.Though she is quicker。
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