消防值班室 英文翻译 英语翻译消防钢瓶间,值班室,UPS电池间,空调机房,大机房,小机房以上怎么翻译呢?


消防控制室值班记录的翻译是:什么意思 消防控制室值班记录a/the duty record of fire fighting control room(center)消防:fire fighting控制室:control room 或control center


英语翻译 1.To determine the fire safety manager in charge of the unit's fire safety management,clear responsibility of employees in post fire2.Units a month to conduct a comprehensive fire safety inspection.

消防控制值班室必须保持24小时值班,每班不少于2人。这条规定的出处是哪部法规?我问的是出处哦。 这句话出自—2113《消防控制室通用技术5261要求》。消防控4102制室管理及应1653急程序(一)消防控制室必须实行每日24小时专人值班制度,每班不应少于2人。(二)消防控制室的日常管理应符合《建筑消防设施的维护管理》(GA587)的有关要求。(三)消防控制室应确保火灾自动报警系统和灭火系统处于正常工作状态。(四)消防控制室应确保高位消防水箱,消防水池,气压水罐等消防储水设施水量充足;确保消防泵出水管阀门,自动喷水灭火系统管道上的阀门常开;确保消防水泵,防排烟风机,防火卷帘等消防用电设备的配电柜开关处于自动(接通)位置。(五)接到火灾警报后,消防控制室必须立即以最快方式确认。(六)火灾确认后,消防控制室必须立即将火灾报警联动控制开关转入自动状态(处于自动状态的除外),同时拨打“119”火警电话报警。(七)消防控制室必须立即启动单位内部灭火和应急疏散预案,并应同时报告单位负责人。有,按照国家规定的单位消防安全需要有专人负责,要求设置消防安全责任人,消防安全管理人,控制室需要有持证上岗的消防中控操作证和巡检证,24小时值班,每班不少于2人,具体按照(一)消防控制室必须实行每日24小时专人值班制度,每班不应少于2人。(二)消防控制室的。

英语翻译 Director of the Office Instructor Office Desk Office Security Office Office Fire Police Office Conference Room Mariners Room Room Housing Distribution Network Management Room Police Dormitory Restaura.


消防钢瓶间,值班室,UPS电池间,空调机房,大机房,小机房 Between fire steel cylinder,duty officers observation room,betweenUPS battery,air conditioning engine room,big engine room,smallengine room

英语翻译 First,the fire site by the Department of Safety and Security to probe blowing smoke alarm(0,510 rooms),in control after receiving the report,notify the customer relationship Lobby Director,Engineering Department,carrying a walkie-talkie,flashlight,fire calls,fire emergency kits,extinguishers running to the police point.Confirmed the fire,immediately notify the Fire with a walkie-talkie in the control room,and initial fire fighting.Second,the value of fire in the control room received a fire crew confirmed the report,according to the police immediately informed the procedures Taiwan by the Taiwan notified by the notification procedures of the departments and apartments leading to the scene of the fighting work.Third,fire fighting procedures1,the Department of Safety and Security:value crew used a walkie-talkie to inform security personnel on duty,while the Department of Safety and Security Manager.By duty officers used a walkie-talkie to notify the staff Kong evacuation preparations,。


