我国行政的制定主体是什么? 其直接的法律依据是我国《行政诉讼法》第66条的规定,即“公民、法人或其他组织对于具体行政行为在法定期限内不提起诉讼又不履行的,行政机关可以申请人民法院强制执行,。
公益诉讼属什么法院管辖范围 一、公益诉讼的管辖法院最高法院发布的《民诉法司法解释》规定,公益诉讼案件由侵权行为地或者被告住所地中级人民法院管辖,但法律、司法解释另有规定的除外。。
公益诉讼在未来中国的发展前景如何? 公益诉讼是今年来一个热门的法律话题,经过学者、专家和媒体等的呼吁和建议,新民事诉讼法在第55条增加规…
中文翻译英文(论文摘要) China's current legal system,only for personal gains can initiate administrative proceedings,in other words,Only because their interests are infringed the right to initiate proceedings.However,as practice activities,Chief harmful to the public good or the interests of the groups also began administrative activities relative to the Chief of concern,since,In some Western countries have started the applicable administrative public interest litigation has been introduced into China,as many scholars and research content.Due to the lack of legislative support,administrative public interest litigation system is only at the theoretical exploration stage.This is where research with a view to study the Chief Public Interest Litigation in China established its modest way.Therefore,this paper elaborated the concept of public interest litigation to determine the content of this paper.Then the United States and other countries outside the Chief Public Interest Litigation practice with a 。
法国行政公益诉讼是什么? 法国的行政诉讼可分为完全管辖之诉、越权之诉、解释之诉和处罚之诉,其中越权之诉是法国最重要也是最具特色的诉讼制度,性质上属于客观诉讼.它是指当事人的利益由于行政。