英语翻译,--中国文字博物馆,用英语怎以说呀,急 应该是Museum of Chinese characters你去GOOGLE上搜一下就知道了,是在河南安阳的吧!Museum of Chinese Characters中国文字博物馆英文名称英语翻译,--中国文字博物馆,用英语怎以说呀,急 应该是Museum of Chinese characters你去GOOGLE上搜一下就知道了,是在河南安阳的吧。请教英语高手,这个词组该如何翻译? 翻译为“故居”好些,“故居博物馆”的话,中国人都看不懂了就.英语作文 参观博物馆,60字, 英语作文:参观博物馆Going to the Museums参观博物馆」During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums.Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and technology.Many wonderful things are cared for in museums.There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many others.It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.英语作文参观一个博物馆五十字 Both sides of the door in the museum,were two mighty big dinosaurs,as if to welcome our arrival,into the museum,we first toured the aquarium.Aquarium lights are shining dark blue,wavy line on the wall there is a road,as if we are deep guest.\"Look。Sturgeon。I do not know who shouted.I looked,and sure enough。Sturgeon in the tank a long sleeping when the bottom tightly.Down the corridor,we saw a ribbonlike electric eel like swimming in the water.\"I've heard it can help people with electric shock was lost consciousness it。My good friend Liu Bowen said.I nodded,\"Hey,what is the fish?Really beautiful。I said.Liu Bowen explains:\"Although it is very beautiful red and white pattern,can someone give it the name of security do not how to clown fish。Poor little thing。Out of the aquarium,we came to the Museum of Entomology.\"Disgusting。Look at the long centipede。Liu Chang spit out his tongue.This insect museum insect specimens and television through the video to us in detail introduced。中国文字博物馆 馆名英语 翻译 China Textual Museum比如:正式的中国农业博物馆 英文馆名就是 China Agricultural Museum以参观博物馆为题,写一篇80字的英语作文 During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums.Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and technology.Many wonderful things are cared for in museums.There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many others.It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.
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