小说也有缺页现象用英语 打算去读英文原著小说,希望有过经历的给些建议?


假设你是李华,最近在某国际网上商场购买了几本英语小说,打开邮件后发现一本书有破损现象.请给商场的负责人Mr.Andrew写一封投诉信,内容须包含以下要点: Dear Mr.Andrew,I wish to make a complaint about some novels which I bought recently in your internet shopping mall.Before shopping on the internet,I'd like to compare the reputations of t.

小说也有缺页现象用英语 打算去读英文原著小说,希望有过经历的给些建议?

悬疑小说和推理小说的区别是什么? 对于推理小说相关的文学流派(Genre)的问题,我读了一些当下两个最重要的作品来源—日文和英文的原材…

小说也有缺页现象用英语 打算去读英文原著小说,希望有过经历的给些建议?


小说也有缺页现象用英语 打算去读英文原著小说,希望有过经历的给些建议?

在阅读过程中我发现小说缺页严重用英语怎么说 I discovered the seriousness of the page-lack in the process of reading the novel.I found the severity of the page-missing in the process of reading the novel.

网络小说中的SM是什么意思 性虐待症,西方称之为sadomasochism(简称sm虐恋),统指与施虐、受虐相关的意识与行为。在中国,sm有一个更为温情的称呼:虐恋。虐恋一词英文为Sadomasochism,是施虐倾向。

假如你是李华,3月1日在英国某网站购买了一本英文原版小说Pride and Pr。 Dear Sir or Madam,I’m sorry to trouble you but I’m afraid that I have to make a complaint about the novel Pride and Prejudice, which I bought from your online store on March 1st.Much to my disappointment, the novel was so poorly packed that the cover was torn when it reached me. What is worse, some pages are missing, which I think is unacceptable. It’s beyond belief to have received such poor service and I insist that you either replace the novel with a new one or give my money back. I’d be grateful if you could settle my complaint as soon as possible.Thank you for your consideration. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

小说的语言特点有哪些 小说的语言特点:1,小说既2113用5261叙述性的语言,也用描写性的语言,但以描4102写性的语言为主。2,小说长短句1653兼有,但以长句为主;语言生动、细腻、富有感情。影视剧本既用叙述性的语言,也用描写性的语言,但以叙述性的语言为主;长短句兼用,但短句为主。3,小说语言简洁、朴素;语言表述能转换成动作、画面或场景。小说,以刻画人物形象为中心,通过完整的故事情节和环境描写来反映社会生活的文学体裁。人物、情节、环境是小说的三要素。情节一般包括开端、发展、高潮、结局四部分,有的包括序幕、尾声。环境包括自然环境和社会环境。小说按照篇幅及容量可分为长篇、中篇、短篇和微型小说(小小说)。按照表现的内容可分为神话、科幻、公案、传奇、武侠、言情、同人、官宦等。按照体制可分为章回体小说、日记体小说、书信体小说、自传体小说。按照语言形式可分为文言小说和白话小说。


