以我的新朋友为主题写一篇英语小短文。单词不少于50个。 我也有一个新朋友的英语单词


请帮我写一篇100个单词的英语作文 dear xxx,I'm xxx,your new pal friend.Since this is the first time I write to you and you don't know much about me,I will tell you something about me.I love music,like all the teens do.Rock music is my facourite.Music of Michale Jackson is another classic hit which I won't miss.what's your favourite kind of music?I also like to read when I am free.I don't read literatures from authors like shakespear as they are too dull for me.I usually read magenize as you can learn a lot of things about today's world.When I'm bored,I will read fiction such as harry porter and twilight.Now I shall tell you somthing about my family.I am the only child of my parents,beacuse of your know,the one child policy which China holds.But I have a cousin who is 3 years older than me.I bet she can be a good math teacher because she explains all the things I don't understand in math.By the way,my father is a chemistry teacher in a high school and my mother is a physics teacher in the same school.They fell in love。我有一个好朋友的英语单词怎么写 翻译为:我有一个好朋友。I have a good friend.描写朋友的英语单词。 Handsome:英俊的,帅气的,潇洒的.Tall:高大的Honest:诚实的,守信的.Faithfull:值得信赖的.Wise:机敏的,睿智的.Humorous:幽默的,爱开玩笑的.Neat:穿着整洁的.Strong:体格健壮的.(Muscular:强健的)Iron-will:意志坚强的,有魄力的.Zealous:热心的,一心一意的.Ingenious:足智多谋的.Popular:受欢迎的.Gentle:有绅士风度的,优雅的.这些都是褒义的,一般用于男士身上,若需要其他词语,尽管添加。“我的所有朋友”用英文怎么说?(只用3个单词) all my friends关于all 和whole:all:all the+.如all the studentswhole:the whole.如the whole classall与whole都有“全部的及整个的”意思,其区别是:1)两者都可用在表示整体的单数名词之前,但限定词的位置不同.whole一般位于冠词、物主代词或别的限定词之后,其结构为:限定词+whole+单数名词;而all则位于这些词之前,结构为:all+限定词+单数名词.如:All the city(The whole city)is busy cleaning the streets.全城的人都忙于打扫街道.all the time=the whole time整个时间the whole morning=all the morning整个上午all my life=my whole life我的一生注:如果名词前没有限定词,不能用whole,如可说all day 或all the day,而不能说whole day,必须说成the whole day.2)两者都可后接复数名词,结构分别为:all+限定词+复数名词,all of+限定词+复数名词;the whole of+复数名词.如:All(of)the students are here.所有的学生都在这儿.The whole of the students went to the cinema.全体学生都去看电影了.3)whole一般不修饰不可数名词、物质名词、专有名词.修饰复数名词时,一般其前有数量词.而all能用于各种情况.如:all rice全部大米,不。妈妈,我有一个新朋友英文怎么说 知道 。电脑版 ?2020Baidu 京ICP证030173号-1 京网文【2013】0934-983号 追问追答 该链接由问题回答方推荐,不代表知道立场,请注意可能的风险。我要写一篇100个单词的英语作文.内容是要给朋友写一封信,讲讲新学期的生活,请问我是要讲什么好内? Friendly letter to my best friendMy dear XXX,I was pleased to receive your letter and really appreciate your kindness.Your desire to establish friendship between us coincides with mine.However,to my r.有一天 我朋友考我说有一个英文单词是由20个字母组成的 但不是合成词 我怎么也没想到 有没有知道的啊 antidisestablishmentarianism这个字是由28个字母组成的.根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释,这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」.它曾被英国首相格来斯顿william ew art gladstone,1809-1898引述过一次.以我的新朋友为主题写一篇英语小短文。单词不少于50个。 读后感的写作方法一、认识读后感读完一篇文章或看完一部电视剧以后,全篇文章或其中的一部分内容给你留下深刻的印象,让你感动,而且也让你想到很多很多自己听到的、看到的、经历过的事情。二、怎样选书目选择你感兴趣的书籍,尤其是选能从中明白一个道理或学到文中人物的精神的文章。(选写人、写事的文章最好)三、通常写法:(1)引用法:引用歌谣、名言。(2)举例子的方法:可举古代事例、近现代事例,可举身边听说过的、自己经历的事情,只要事例所表达的中心与文章的中心一致即可。可举正例和反例,正例的作用是让中心更明确,证明这个道理是正确的,这种品质是值得学习的“我有一个新朋友”用英语怎么说 I have a new friend。


