我不敢肯定我们是否会赢得比赛英语怎么说 我不知道该怎样称呼你...但是我想说我好像也喜欢你了.请相信,我也是个专情的女孩.但是你又敢肯定你以后不会喜欢上其他人吗?虽然我们还小,但我们又会有将来吗?一定要回答.


他唱的很好,赢得了比赛用英语怎么说 He sings very well,and won the game.我不敢肯定我不会喜欢别人,但我唯一可以肯定的是我只爱你的英语 I'm not sure I don't like others,but I only can be sure that I only love you我敢肯定他能通过这次英语考试。(英语翻译)二种 I am sure that he can pass the examHe is sure to pass the exam我们不一定能赢 英语翻译 我们不一定能赢We may not be able to win.附记:win可以是及物动词(transitive berb),也可是不及物动词(intransitive verb),所以win后面不一定有受词(object)。例句:OK,you win-we'll go to the movies.No-one really expected the Socialist Party to win.我不知道该怎样称呼你。但是我想说我好像也喜欢你了.请相信,我也是个专情的女孩.但是你又敢肯定你以后不会喜欢上其他人吗?虽然我们还小,但我们又会有将来吗?一定要回答. I do not know what to call you.but I want to say that I seem to like you.Please be assured that I am also a special situation of girls.But you sure you will not like other people?Although we have S.英语翻译 1.Are there any new events on today's newspaper?2.I'm very interested in Chinese.3.She prefers to stay at home than go to see a movie.或 She would rather stay at home than go to the movie theater.或者.我不敢肯定比尔是否会来的翻译是:什么意思 你好。我不敢肯定比尔是否会来I'm not sure whether bill will comeyou are my style You are my type.标准说法.其实一般不会直接说you are my type,一般都是对第三者说,she is my type比较多,或者按楼上的说的说成否定的you are not my type.其实表达我喜欢你还可以说:I am attracted to you.这个说法比较多.英语翻译 1 Do you doubt whether he will succeed?2 I am not sure whether he will keep his word.3 I don't doubt that he will finish the task ahead of time.4 Our plane is delaied because of the heavy mist.

