谁能给我八年级英语(上) 人教新目标 第一至三单元综合测试卷的答案 我能行我最棒测试卷答案八上英语


英语八年级 上册全程检测卷答案人教版 so that we can be the useful person.Many students confuse about what is the useful person.In my opinion,the useful person must have the good merit.A person with。英语八年级上册(人教版)期末知识水平达标测试卷答案 八年级英语(Go for it)上册期末测试卷 姓名 分数 笔试部分(100分):一、词汇:(1):根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(10分).1.—How often.重庆标准卷 (复习卷+考试卷) 英语 八年级上册 参考答案 m.genshuixue.com 广告 超全四年级小学英语教程,下载快手马上学。kuaishou.com 广告 加载失败 点击重新加载 向网友提问 微信 微博 QQ QQ空间 答案纠错 。八下新干线英语测试卷答案 ()1.My parents will returen_an hour.A.after B.in C.later D.behind()2.There is_\"f\"in word\"floor\".A.a B.an C.the D./汉译英:1.她太老,不能去旅游.She is too old_a_.2.抄袭别人的家庭作业是不对的.It's not right for you to_.3.令我惊奇的是他写得那么好.he wrote so well.4.不要把事物带入教师.如果你这样做,老师会把它拿走的.Don't bring food to the classroom.If you do,the teachers will_.1.B2.B1.to go on,vacation2.copy the homework3.To my surprise4.take it away只有一部分难题答案八年级英语测试卷答案 一、CBADA AAAAB ADCCB CDABC二、AADDC CDCBD三、BBBDA fireworks Mickey’sToontown parade四、语音这个靠你自己了六、symbol/shiny/metting/include/program/officials/exciting/to abroad/harmful/endless/pleasure/magic/marriage/hopefulmeaning/fasten/careful/borrow/check/interested七、has beendon't wasteclapingfinishedto spendDid repairedhas gotdidare watchingto put八has been returned for 2 monthsleaved 5 days agoplaning to travel to abroadbecause it moved rapidly九、短文就你自己写了 小朋友英语作业还是要好好的做哦 不然以后越学越难


