英语翻译 你打算在这待多长时间英语翻译


你打算在中国呆多久英语翻译 How long have you planned to stay in China?

英语翻译 你打算在这待多长时间英语翻译

英语翻译 一、对话(Dialogue):A:吃饭没?Have you had dinner?(一般在英语中会点明是那一顿饭,这里我用的是晚饭,你当然可以自己改改,下同)B:没呢.Not yet.A:那待会儿一块儿吃饭吧?你打算吃啥?Then we can have dinner together later.What do you want?B:好啊.一起去街上随便吃点就好了.Together?Sounds good.Maybe just some casual food besides the street.A:你现在在哪儿?在寝室吗?Where are you now?Your domitory?B:是的,在寝室.Yep.A:那我去找你,5分钟后见.I will go to meet you there then.See you in 5 mins.B:好.Awesome.二、句子:1、当然我不是故意针对某个人咯.Of course I did not mean to be in view of some specific person.2、我总是憋不出话来.Always do I not know what to say.(大哥,这句确实不容易翻译.)3、时间过的太快了,我感觉压力好大,实在没什么时间耽误了.Time flies.I felt a big pressure.There is not time for me to delay it.4、我打算课程结束后出去租房子,也许会找份工作.I plan to rent a house/apartment after this course finish.Maybe I will find a job.

英语翻译 你打算在这待多长时间英语翻译


英语翻译 你打算在这待多长时间英语翻译

你在大连待多长时间了?用英语怎么说 1.How long have you been here since you come to DaLian?2.How long have you stay in Dalian?

英语翻译 1,let's go to Australia this month.2,she takes about two months to write a novel.3,I'm going to the south next month.4,most children think a month is a long time.5,secretary why don't you join us?6,if you want to have a good time to join us.7,I refused to join them,because they often laugh at me.January 8,is the first month of the year.9,February is the second month of the year?March 10,nanjing still cold?11,may always have a lot of people in this town.April 12,has been very hot in the south.June 13,why my father is always very busy?July 14,the children do not have to go to school.In August 15,many kinds of fruits produced.September 16,cool again.17 October,some countries have already very cold.Is November 18,next month?19,December is the last month of the year.December 20,22 is your birthday?No,my birthday is July 31st.Is 21,Saturday June 3rd?No,it is May 20th.22 April 1,we still have to go to what place?23,don't be late for class on September 1st.24,I'm glad you're here.25,I am 。

”你打算在北京待多久”用英语怎么说?。 这里最好用将来时态how long are you going to stay in Beijing

翻译: 1.她计划过一个轻松的假期.She plans to take a relaxing holiday.2.你要在北京呆多长时间?How long are you going to stay in Beijing?3.你打算去哪儿度假?Where are you going to spend your vacation?4.下个假期我打算去旅游.I'm going on a trip during the next vacation.

你打算在那里待多久 我打算待两周 英语翻译 How long do you plan to stay therei plian to stay here for two weeks.

英语翻译,“你打算到北京呆多久呢” How long are you going to stay in Beijing?How long do you intend to stay in Beijing?How long will you stay in Beijing?


