丰富 课余生活 用英语怎么说 rich after school life丰富我的课余生活和锻炼自己 英语翻译 丰富我的课余生活和锻炼自己 英语翻译 enrich my life after school and practice myself希望帮助到你,学习进步。英语作文 My school life is colourful.In addition of necessary studies,I am fond of listening to music and drawing pictures.I like playing badminton with my friends or exercising as well.I enjoy healthy life.六年级英语作文(不少于40个单词)我的课余生活 My life after school is of colour and variety,get on the Internet,read a book,paint painting.These all are that I am fond ofthe thing composing after school.Getting on the Internet is my delighted thing.I like a net looking at English animatedcartoon,primary and secondary school students composition etc.,there are a lot of knowledgebeing at school short of in classroom on net. Reading a book is one of my delighted thing. Itell you what。The book I am liked to look at very many,has:The encyclopaedia,the bigmound decline to laugh at biography,our for loving science,the cartoon book.Have paintedpainting being the thing that my amateur life can't be seprated from most.Our studio hasturned on a website,your work being able to see me in there.I like to have drawn mermaidmost.Because of she is very beautiful lovable.Is schoolmates,your life after school thewoollen cloth how to arrange for?You also can be trying writing your life after school,exchange an once coming us。。导语:在课余的时间里大家都发生了什么有趣的事情呢?以下是小编为大家分享的我的课余生活英语作文,欢迎借鉴!篇一我的课余生活 My life after school is of colour and 。充实了我的课余生活用英文怎么说 食品安全知识竞赛Food Safety Quiz舞蹈大赛充实了我的课余生活Dance Competition enriched my life after school
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