英语翻译 Tuesday 12 o'clock before the effective bar.When I saw this painting,I feel it is non-exceptional,and I really like this picture,I guess,would be very much like Dali.Some people say that it is abstract,while the inside of the landscape we are may be able to see a half-man out.The previous section,an I think it is women who sit on the floor,her head thrown back,seemingly very happy.In front of her,some furniture,two cabinets,one large and one relatively small,in large cabinets there is a gap,while the gap shape is exactly the same and small cabinets,and perhaps to give the audience the feeling of Dali is a small cupboard is a large cupboard on the cutting down,right?Mostly,I find it strange that the best place is the back of a woman actually has a rectangular window,a window at the top of a cane is being insisted on.The whole should be a crutch to support a woman up.The whole painting no longer other people,Daly could not allow others to disturb the woman meditation.In the middle part,。请问这个地址用英文怎么写 No.E-1-201 Lanwanjiayuan Buildings,Qinzhou Port,Qinzhou City,Zhuang Autonomous Region,Guangxi Province,PRC.珠海和杭州,哪个更宜居? 先来看一段2年前的视频:【http:// player.youku.com/player .php/sid/XMjk2Mzg4Mzk2/v.swf】 珠江,奔腾到南海岸边,在一个紧连澳门的绿色海角恋住了脚步。在这个海角,。蓝海湾租车中国驾照有英文说明还需要办理英文公证件吗? 全部回答(1) 按赞同数排序 自驾专家 发表于2014-01-02 11:02:00 目前最新版的 中国 大陆驾照内的英文内容是属于驾照内容标题的英文对照翻译,而不属于驾照内容的英文翻译。
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