我也非常高兴与您的交流沟通,并乐意随时为您提供帮助.谢谢 It's my pleasure to comunicate with you.And i am ready to give you a hand at ant time.Thank you。
“随时和客户沟通”用英语怎么说? Communicate with your clients at anytime
如有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系 英语怎么写 最正规最常用的句子,学了不吃亏Please feel free to contact us for any questions,thank you。Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
“若您有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系,谢谢!” If you have any questions,please dont't hesitate to ask us.If you have any questions,please contact us.有多种译法,只举两个例子而已.
“下午讨论的方案明天下午可以给我么,有什么问题可以随时跟我沟通” Can you pass the skeme we talked about this afternoon to me tomorrow afternoon?Anyquestion please contact me at anytime.
如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文怎么说 如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文是If there is any need,please contact me at any time.重点词汇:1、任何any;whatever;whichever。2、需要need;needs;require;want;demand。3、随时at any time;at all times;whenever necessary;as the occasion demands;at any moment。4、联系contact;connection;touch;relation。
因为它可以使人们随时保持沟通英文 Because it can make people keep in communication因为它可以使人们随时保持沟通