英语翻译我饿了但我找不到吃的 我饿了 找吃的英文翻译


[英语翻译] 某天下了班之后我很饿,所以我选了家餐厅吃晚饭。首先我看了看菜单,服务生走过来帮我点菜 I was very hungry someday after work,so I chose a restaurant to eat dinner.First of all,I looked at the menu,the waiter came over to help me to order.then I ordered luxury steak meal.I feel that is very delicious.

英语翻译我饿了但我找不到吃的 我饿了但我找不到吃的。I'm hungry,but I can't find it.I'm hungry,but I could not find food.

由于我没吃早饭 没到中午我就饿了 英文怎么翻译 I am hungry before noon,because I did not have breakfast.

妈妈我饿了,晚饭吃什么?的英语怎么写 Mom聽I'm聽hunry聽What聽do聽we聽eat聽in聽the聽evering

英语翻译 He does not want to look for food now他现在不想寻找食物.He often tells other animals to bring him some-thing to eat.他总是要求其他动物给他送东西吃.He sees a monkey and says,\"I 'm hungry,Monkey.Go to.

英语翻译。. 一个年迈的老虎生活在森林里。他不想去找食物了。他常常为其他动物某事,把他吃。他看见一只猴子说,“我饿了,猴子。去那个村庄,给我拿一个胖猪。“哦,老虎,说:\"猴子,“我不能这样做。还有一个老虎在那里。他还想要一胖猪。他不会让我拿什么来吃。我怕他”“什么?叫老虎。“给我看看那老虎。我要跟他说话,。“跟我说:\"猴子。猴子和老虎到一个新娘过河。“现在看下面的水”,说猴子,“你看到的手,洁白的牙齿,大的绿色眼睛的老虎吗?“是的,”老虎叫:“我要避免他吃了。说完这些话,老虎跳进河里

英语翻译 1.could you please give me some milk and cake,i'm hungry2.if you want to be health you shuould eat less and do exercise.3.Pleses take turn to me different food.4.everydoy knows that what she eat and life5.what the differents between this word and that worde?6.we are try to find out our eating hobby and life living.7.we shuold be caureful our eating hobby8.how often you have a travel once a year9.how long does your guandfather do exercise everyday.10.what does your brother want to be?a policeman11.what does your mother plan to eat12.plese you try to find this foods name13.what are you find?i am looking for some healthy story.but i find nothing14.do thease animal live in the water?15.i play games hardly16.jack is always stay at home on sunday17.sometimes talk with friend on the Internet18.Jack always late for classe19.jae uausl eat egg and bread a meal20.she never go skating.LZ查收、

英语翻译 在森林中,有一个年老的老虎.他不喜欢自己去寻找食物.他每天都对EOF小动物给他东西吃.一天早上,老虎很饿.他对一只猴子说,“我饿了,monkey.go给我找些吃的.”“我做不到,mr.tiger,”猴子说,“在这森林里有另一只老虎.他比你年轻的和强大的.他告诉我不要给你带任何东西.”“什么?老虎大叫,“另一只老虎吗?我想看他.我会跟他说的.”“跟我来,mr.tiger,”猴子说,“你看他.”猴子带老虎来到一条大河边.“看水里,说:“猴子”.他在那里。看见他的头?看看他的大牙齿.他是不是比你大吗?呃…。所以你告诉猴子不给我任何东西。呃…我会杀了你。说完这些话,老虎跳进河里,他再也不出来.”哈哈哈.再见,mr.tiger,”笑的猴子,他就走了.

英语翻译饮食上面 在中国一般都是吃味道而吃饭 而韩国大部分都是肚子饿了才吃饭 所以中国很多食物味道很好 种类繁多 在韩国一般都只是为了吃饱 这点我不是很习惯 因为我喜欢味道更加

