这是我们的数据报价请参考 英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 If these data can be proven solid statistically,then it will help us recognize the problem under investigation.前半句 统计学上“站得住脚”简短表达可以是:If these data are statistically sound,希望这样翻对您能有点儿帮助,别忘了采纳哦.英语翻译 I am very grateful to the headquarter for providing me with the statistical information on the Egnlish brochures.I will provide the statistical figure for your reference after I have carefully checked.英语翻译 其实你这两句中文可以译成一句英文.We will lose money instead of making money if we perform this price.如果按这个价钱,我们将会亏本,更别说赚钱了.(这样比较委婉)礼貌点:I am sorry that this price is lower than my bottom price,we really will lose money if we perform this price.我真的很抱歉,这个单价低于我们的最低价了,如果按这个价钱,我们真的会亏钱的.英语翻译 We can guarantee top quality of the products at such prices.If lower price is required,it would be changed by worse materials.Can you accept it?I can send you the sample of the products we had made.英语翻译 To that time,you are still who you are and I am still who I am.But us no longer exist英语翻译 Thanks for your reply.I have confirmed the details below with my manager,just for your reference:1.The order that will be shipped in Feb,its price is below:*The order that will be shipped in Mar.,its price to be announced later.2.You has added 6tons tusche in PO#01-200111 yesterday.However our production department can not produce this big qty tusche so soon,we can not delivery it on 22th,Feb.We hope you'd better keep the order details and do not make any change.If you insist in purchasing 6 tons tusche,please put this item in order of March,and there may be some difference in price.但是我有一个问题,您给我们的报价中的型号是:001-SD,我们需要订购的是001-GD,这两种型号名字是不一样的,有什么不同的吗?有没有详细的参数供我们参考? I have aquestion about your quotation in conection with the model:001-SD,Actually We would like to place an order of your 001-SD.Could you let us know whether they are the same;if not,pls.give us detailed diameters of the two for our reference?请教这句话英语怎么说 翻译如下:The following is the price we offered,for your referrence.英语翻译 I learnt a lot of things from the report.From the initial process of making questionnaires,interviewing foreigner on the street,to the final statistic analysis on the collected information,all these taught me a lot of things that I cann't obtain from texbooks.Thanks to the experience,my awareness of teamwork has been enhanced and proficiency has been improved.I do believe that we will do even better in our next reports.


